50: Obsession is a Very Dangerous Thing

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Walking round the chair, Zhixin placed his hand on Wang Yibo's shoulders. "You are tensed, do you want me to help," He rubbed against his shoulders and leaned down, letting his breath ghost on Wang Yibo's neck. "Like I've always done before Xiao Zhan arrived,"

Snappily, Wang Yibo twirled, his gaze piercing through Zhixin's skull which made him step back. "Are you supposed to be here, Zhixin?" His tone was low and severe that it sent a coolness down Zhixin's spine.

"I-i-I..." He hesitated, words hanging in his throat from that sharp gaze. "I'm only trying to help,"

"I don't need it, get out!" He ordered but Zhixin remained where he stood.

"Why are you doing this to me, I thought we had something special, why do you keep pushing me away when I've always been by your side, I helped you when An-"

In a snap, Wang Yibo was up on his feet, his hand clasping around Zhixin's neck, and slammed him against the wall. "I dare you to complete that sentence!"

"W-ang Y-ibo"

Sharply, Wang Yibo let go. "Get the fuck out before I kill you!"

Zhixin's hand reached out to rub his neck, eyes widening in apprehension at the animosity in Wang Yibo's eyes as they blazed. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT, DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!" With each word, he got closer and Zhixin didn't need to be told twice as he scrambled out of the office, followed by the crashing sound of objects.

Things were worst than he thought!


Xiao Zhan grunted at the awful aches on his body. He browsed his surroundings and shrieked at the familiar setting.

He hissed, his head dropping drastically. "Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, have you gotten yourself into this time?" Why was he bounded to a chair again? How was he going to get out of this one at his state?

He was pregnant for crying out loud!

He didn't hear a sound, he waited for his captors and he didn't have to wait long as the door finally opened and Xiao Zhan watched boredly as a man in a business suit walked in.

"Now what?" Xiao Zhan snorted in aggravation.

The man smirked. "Impatient are we, sorry to have kept you waiting,"

Xiao Zhan scowled. "You will be more than sorry if you don't untie me from this fucking chair!"

"Feisty, Zhixin was right, you are my type,"

Xiao Zhan's brows rose higher. "Zhixin? That bastard finally rebelled," he scoffed, not surprised. "I knew nothing good would never come out of him. Wang Yibo chose him over me too, look where that landed us!"

"Pretty," The man trailed his finger on Xiao Zhan's jawline, making him cringe in contempt, wanting to bite his hand off. "I might have to have my way with you before I get rid of you and that thing you're carrying,"

"You are going to regret this!"

The bastard cackled at Xiao Zhan's words. "Believe me, darling, no one is coming to save you, no one knows where you are and your bipolar husband is not even in the country. You see my dear, the odds are in my favor and even if they are not, I will bend them to my will just as I will bend you over my bed and fuck your brains out!"

Xiao Zhan tsked, silently working on the ropes around his wrist, he said nothing, eyeing the men in the room. He couldn't help but think again, how was he going to get out of this one?

Their eyes prey on him and he did the same, not giving them the satisfaction they wanted. He needed more than their ghastly faces to get frightened, it took word than a few threats to get him shaken up.

Seconds turned into minutes before a knock interrupted the little staring contest. They opened the door and Zhixin waddled into the room foaming. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but smirk.

"Hey Zhixin, how you hanging bro?"

Zhixin sharply peered at Xiao Zhan before his palm struck his cheek, sending his face back from the impact. Xiao Zhan laughed in a crazy voice and the men sneak glances at each other.

Zhixin grimaced, roughly grabbing Xiao Zhan's face and locking their eyes. While Zhixin's eyes gleamed with anger and animosity, Xiao Zhan's were calm and glinted with amusement. "What's so funny bitch?!"

"Your face is," Xiao Zhan answered with a smirk. "What, did Wang Yibo refuse to fuck you, you seem pissed off, but then again, why would he go for your loose ass when he has mine,"

"You have a death wish?" Zhixin gritted, reaching for his gun at the back of his pants, and pressed it against Xiao Zhan's jaw.

"No, you have a death wish. Wait till Wang Yibo gets here,"

Suddenly, Zhixin burst into laughter, letting go of Xiao Zhan's face, and stepped back. "You are really something, Xiao Zhan, you prove me wrong every time you open your damn mouth but today, I have the advantage, the only thing Wang Yibo will be coming for will be your dead body, ruined and recognized, and when he's broken and weak, I will step back into his life, the place I belong until you came along and stole him from me,"

Obsession was a really dangerous thing, Xiao Zhan just realized how far gone Zhixin was. The way his bloodshot eyes gleamed with raw resentment and how his bitter laughter crammed the space, it was almost chilling but again, it took more than that to shake him up with fear.

Zhixin got closer to Xiao Zhan. "I've always been there. When Ann died, when his father died, when he was broken, when he was sad, I have always been there, right by his side, always waiting to be noticed and then one day, I got lucky, even though it was just for sex, I thought it was enough as long as he comes back to me and he keeps coming back, I almost had his love till his bitch of a mother thought it would be best to get him married and then you waltzed in, occupying the space I dreamt of having. It was supposed to be me, in his arms, receiving his love and attention, carrying his baby, it was supposed to be me!! Why did you have to ruin everything!" He screamed at his face, each word followed by a tear, and soon, tears streamed down his face like a river. "I hate you so much Xiao Zhan, the minute you walked in, I knew you were trouble and loathed you so much!" Each word dripped with venom as he trailed the tip of the gun on Xiao Zhan's jawline and shook his head with a bitter laugh. "But not anymore, I won't allow you and that thing you carry to come between Wang Yibo and I. I will have him to myself while you will be six feet under our feet,"

"Wang Yibo will never love you, you are nothing but an obsessive little bitch!" Xiao Zhan spat.

"He doesn't have to love me now, we have our whole life ahead of us," Zhixin smirked and stepped back, pointing the gun at Xiao Zhan's temple. "Let's put an end to both our misery, what do you think, Yes?" he began to pull the trigger till his wrist was grabbed and he sharply turned to the man who walked in before. "What?"

"That's not our deal. You don't get to kill him til I have my way with him,"

Zhixin grunted, dropped his hand, and looked back at Xiao Zhan. "Seems like the gods have granted you a few minutes to live. We'll continue when I'm back," He reeled at the man who had lust shining in his eyes that didn't waver off Xiao Zhan's helpless form. "You have 30 minutes to have your way with him, and be careful, he's a sneaky one," he said before walking out of the room and the rest of the men followed after him and Xiao Zhan was left alone with the bastard, who had started unbuckling his belt and flipped it at the corner of the room and pulled down the zipper of his pant.

"This is going to be fun!"

Xiao Zhan smirked. "If you want your way with me, you will have to untie me first and bend me over,"

If he was going to die here, then he might as well die fighting!

Sorry baby.

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