06; Hotness and Grim

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Like hell-for-leather, time went speedily as Xiao Zhan lost track  of the time he had spend with his family. For a second he forgot the fact he was married, the fact he didn't live with his parents and little sister, the fact that a huge diamond ring was circled around his finger.

"Xiao Zhan, honey. Are you going to have dinner with us?" Mrs Xiao grilled as she walked out from the little kitchen to the living room, where Xiao Zhan was cozying on a couch while Xiao Cynna was lying on the mattress on the floor with book scattered everywhere while the twelve years old girl was totally engrossed.

"Of course" Xiao Zhan responded without thinking while his eyes remained glued and cemented on his phone but his answer caught little Xiao Cynna's attention as her gaze casted upon her bother.

"But won't your husband be looking for you, you are a newly wedded bride!" The girl questioned.

"Husband?" Xiao Zhan's movement halt instantly, his brain processing what she articulated but when he did, he scowled and went back to his phone. "Who cares about that piece of junk?" he rolled his eyes.

Mrs Xiao gasped "Xiao Zhan, that's your husb-" she began but interrupted when the sound of the door bell filled the household. She took one glanced at her son before going over as she opened the door, found a lady in black pants and suit at the front of her door step.

"How many I help you?" Mrs Xiao started stiltedly, quite taken back by the exactingness and flinty expression sported on her face while her posture was straight, like a robot.

"Good day, I was sent to bring Mr Xiao Zhan back to the mansion" The lady replied in an automatic tone while her dimmed eyes stared directly, unblinking, unwavering.

Mrs Xiao shifted rough-hewned, she cleared her throat. "Who are you please?" She questioned politely but flinched when the lady sharply turned her gaze to her.

Instantly, she pulled out a card from her pocket, revealing her identity as she held it to the woman's face. "My name is Sarah, Mr Wang's personal assistant" she introduced herself brittlely, putting away her ID.

Mrs Xiao's eyes immediately widened in realization. "Oh, am so sorry. Pardon me" she pleaded as she immediately step away from the door, letting the frosty person in, Miss Sarah immediately spotted Xiao Zhan on the long couch, pressing away on his phone without a care in the world. Miss Sarah straight forwardly went over to him as she stood at his sight.

Xiao Zhan movement instantly stopped as he slowly looked up from his phone to the lady and he gasped loudly as he immediately jumped to his feet, his phone falling out from his grip, he could feel his heart breaking as he heard a crash on the floor.

Mr Wang was definitely buying a new phone...like what the heck?

Xiao Zhan's shocked gaze immediately hardened as he frowned. "What the heck are you doing in my house?!" he demanded.

Miss Sarah stared at him unpuzzled, stoic and a solid expression. "You have been gone for the whole day, don't tell me you don't wish to return back home" she said in a mocking tone while her voice remained firm and cold.

This woman was colder than her Boss!

Xiao Zhan poked his inner cheek, suddenly annoyed by her presence. "This is my home" he crunched his teeth.

"Used to is the right sentence Mr Xiao. Am ordered to take you back to the mansion" she retortrd.

Xiao Zhan scoffed, his usual being slowly manifesting. "Your asshole of a boss sent you? Can't he do the job himself, after all he left me all alone in that room like some cheap stuff on our wedding night!"

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