34: Threats

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Slowly, he peeked his head out from his door, a grin on his face as he found the hall empty. Slowly, he retired from his room and began walking on his tiptoes, ambling further and further away from his room till he finally came to a stop.

Deliberately, he pushed the door and it opened with a little irritating sound. Xiao Zhan smirked as he slowly made his way inside, shutting the door behind him but as he turned, he was met with a dim sight, with nothing but the little headlamp illuminating on the empty bed. Where was Wang Yibo?

He approached but instantly reeled his head, seeing a shadow on the ground, and was graced the broad back of Wang Yibo, standing beside the wide opened window, his tattoos on full display while a cigarette was tucked between his lips, smokes encircling him.

Xiao Zhan sauntered over and wrapped his arms around his torso from behind, feeling as the other's body pulled taut at the contact. "What are you doing?" Xiao Zhan placed his chin on Wang Yibo's shoulders, inhaling the awful cigarettes smell. With a huff, Xiao Zhan grabbed the stick from his mouth and threw it out the window that had the field on full display. "That smells unpleasant, it kills you"

Wang Yibo scoffed. "You are getting audacious, dear wife" he placed his hand on top of Xiao Zhan and slowly turned, releasing the other's hands from his torso, his eyes instantly meeting the black ones of Xiao Zhan, almost immediately, he felt entranced at the sight. Those innocent, yet devious orbs held him rooted, they seemed to be glowing in the dark, it was enchanting, captivating, spell-bounding.  Gradually, his hand went up, brushing and tucking a strain of hair behind Xiao Zhan's ear, making him look away shyly.

"That tickles," Xiao Zhan reddened, thanking the stars the room was dark, Wang Yibo would have been graced with a ruddy sight.

"You are beautiful," Wang Yibo expressed, his eyes not looking away even for a moment but as much as he didn't want this moment to end, Xiao Zhan slapped Wang Yibo's hand and stepped back, crossing his hands over his chest and throwing his face with a huff. Unfortunately, Wang Yibo also didn't have that much patience for childish acts. "What's that face for?"

Xiao Zhan sharply turned his head, glaring. "Hell, you are asking me that after that little shit you pulled back there!" He knew he just tarnished one in a million moments but it just couldn't be helped.

"Watch your tone!" Wang Yibo growled.

Xiao Zhan gasped dramatically, placing his palm over his chest. "You don't think I have a right to be mad after what your grandma did earlier and you have a bloody temper!"

Xiao Zhan took a threatening step ahead, stopping a foot away from the older. "Look here Mr. Wang, you brought me here with my permission and I won't let you treat me like shit. You better buckle it up and speak to your grandma to know her fucking place and inform that slut to not cross the line cause I aren't pretty when am mad!"

Wang Yibo stared, it was like no words went through his head, he was only taking the beauty but he was more when he kept his mouth shut. Would it be crazy if he was suddenly turned on at the sight? Suddenly, he pulled Xiao Zhan in, enclosing him in his arms, making the feminine person gasp out loud at the unexpected action. Wang Yibo's large hands slowly went down, giving younger's butt a rough squeeze, admiring how soft it was while Xiao Zhan yelped and shivered when Wang Yibo leaned in and licked his earlobe. "You taste sweet," he nipped and continued to suck on his earlobe till Xiao Zhan shoved him back, suddenly panting.

"What's wrong with you?" He continued to retreat when Wang Yibo advanced till the back of Xiao Zhan's leg hit the bed but Wang Yibo didn't stop as he pushed him on the bed, hovering over him, he stared at him, his eyes glimmered with a hint of lust. Xiao Zhan's hand slowly went to Wang Yibo's bare shoulders and gripped.

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