46: Good Things Never Lasts

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The first thing Xiao Zhan saw opening his eyes was the round face of Zhixin. What a villainy face to arise to!

He blinked his eyes repeatedly before pulling himself up, resting his back on the white walls of the hospital room. Xiao Zhan tsked, glowering at the wires attached to him, only the heavens knew how much he scorned hospitals, he promised himself to never get sick so he won't land himself here but look at him now? At least he wasn't brought there because he fell ill.

"Hey round face, what's going on?" Xiao Zhan strained his voice, staring directly at Zhixin who sat at the corner on a bench, browsing through his phone, looking up at being called.

"You just woke up, give it a rest!" Zhixin rolled his eyes.

Xiao Zhan sneered. "How can I slope when the first thing I see is that face of yours, it's macabre, a living nightmare!"

Zhixin's jaw locked, clicking his tongue. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Once again, Xiao Zhan sneered. "You are really as fatuous as you look!" He smiled widely, watching with satisfaction as Zhixin's jaw dropped. "Ayo, since you are so clueless, I might as well, fill you in..." He fluttered his eyelashes repeatedly. "Stop staring at my husband like that and we might be on good terms!"

Zhixin hissed. "You act like a jealous wife"

"That's because I am!" Xiao Zhan countered. He didn't know why he was picking a fight when he should be resting, only the heavens knew what went wrong in his system to have caused the sudden bleeding.

Zhixin stood up from his seat, sauntering towards the bed, swinging his hips from side to side. Did they get curvier? "You can't tell me how to stare at him, I've known Wang Yibo for many years!"

Xiao Zhan tilted his head with a smirk sporting on his lips. "Perhaps when both your eyes are plucked out, you might consider?"

"Is that a threat?" Zhixin raised an eyebrow, stopping a foot away from the bed.

Xiao Zhan shook his head, "No, when I threaten you, you will know about it. Ouch!" He abruptly whined in pain, hand going over to his temple, his eyes shut tightly and his bottom lips caged between his teeth.

Zhixin stared down at him irregularly but suddenly flinched at the sound of Wang Yibo's voice.

"What are you doing?!" Wang Yibo strolled into the room, a bouquet in his hand, eyes flickering between a stupefied Zhixin and a whining Xiao Zhan. He threw the bouquet over to Zhixin and rushed over to Xiao Zhan's side of the bed, taking hold of his hand on his temple. "Are you hurt, should I get the doctor??"

Xiao Zhan slowly opened his eyes, instantly sporting a pout. "Zhixin was being mean to me!"

Zhixin's mouth landed on the floor when Wang Yibo's sharp glare drilled through his face. Before Zhixin could defend himself, Wang Yibo snatched the flowers from him, bringing them before Xiao Zhan.

"He's going to get punished, I got you these!"

Xiao Zhan's eyes flickered between the flowers and Wang Yibo's face repeatedly before looking away with a huff, arms bridged over his chest.

Wang Yibo's eyes instantly dragged down. Was Xiao Zhan incensed? "W-what's wrong?" He inquired, his tone almost pleading.

"I can't accept flowers from a face like that, we are not quarreling Mr. Wang. I at least, deserve a smile from you, your face is strengthened like a rock!"

Instantly, Wang Yibo broke into an expansive smile, his eyes glistening. "How can you be chatty when you just woke up. There, I'm smiling!" His lips stretched wider.

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