21; Madness

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He let his arm go forward, faking a punch on the left, letting his opponent  dodged to the right, he moved in a sprint and light steps as he wheeled on his toes and slammed his elbow hardly against the other's jaw, making his opponent stumble back but quickly regained his balance as he immediately went back to throwing punches.

He brought his hands to the front of his face, blocking every punch of his opponent but with one swing of his hand, his rough knuckles made contact with the other's eyes and almost an instant, he grabbed him by the neck and with one swift movement, he flung his opponent on the floor, immediately trapping his opponent between his legs as he pulled the other's arm forcefully, making him cry out in pain as his opponent immediately admitted defeat by hitting his other hand on the floor, Xiao Zhan immediately released him and stood up in his feet, chest rising up and down, sweats dripping from faces and arms while his eyes were stoic as he gazed down at the person whining on the floor about his broken arm...did he feel regret...?

Nah, he didn't because this person would had done the same to him with no emotions.

A round of clapping filled the space and Xiao Zhan sharply turned to the watchers.

"Impressive Xiao Zhan, that's the fastest someone catches up with those skills" Zimo complemented with a smile as he stepped forward, placing his arm on the other's shoulder but his lips suddenly curved into something else, his fist forcefully flee towards the other who immediately caught on his movements and instantly dodged and gave him a hard kick on the groin and a kick on the jaw that had him flying back and landed on the floor.

"Oops!" Xiao Zhan smirked, loving the fact that his trainer was on his butt.

"You stupid kid!" Zimo rubbed his jaw and stood up, he glared at him and Xiao Zhan chuckled before he turned to his other opponent, who was still on the floor.

"Zhuocheng, are you okay?" He immediately went to his friend.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Zhuocheng cried as he slowly brought himself up, Xiao Zhan suddenly felt bad...this was his friend after all...maybe he shouldn't had gone too rough on him.

Zimo went to the one on the floor and squatted to his level, Zhuocheng cried out one more time when the bulky man grabbed his wrist and forcefully pulled his arm straight before fixing his shoulder, letting the creaking sound of his bones fill the room.

Xiao Zhan bite his lips, feeling worst than he already did.

"All good!" Zimo palmed him on the shoulder before standing up. "You boys really made me proud today with your skills. Go home and rest, return in two days, we begin with how to use a gun!" He announced and the boys nodded, Xiao Zhan went and instantly helped Zhuocheng on his feet.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

Zhuocheng chuckled. "Calm down tiger, I know you didn't mean to hurt ne, I would have done the same as it was required of us" he palmed him assuringly on the shoulder before his face turned serious. "You will be buying me lunch for a whole month"

Xiao Zhan pouted. "I already bought you lunch for a week!"

"You broke my fucking nose that time, this is my arm we are talking about here. It's not like you'll go broke, after all, you're married to A Don!" Zhuocheng smirked while Xiao Zhan scoffed.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever!"


Walking into the Mansion, Xiao Zhan threw his bag on the floor and fell lazily on the couch, finally letting his body relax as his eyes slowly shut, till he felt a presence and his eyes flee open.

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