052: Wang Meilin -Welcome Home

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Sluggishly Xiao Zhan stirred awake, his eyes gradually opening, and stared at the white, spotless ceiling of a hospital. He grimaced.

He still hated hospitals, that won't be changing in a while.

"Xiao Zhan, you're awake, thank goodness!"

Xiao Zhan reeled his head at the voice, finding his mother sitting on the chair beside the bed. His eyes widened for a quick second, recalling the scene at the restaurant and how it turned out. He bolted up to a sitting position and threw his arms around her. "Mom, you are right!"

Mrs. Xiao hummed, stroking Xiao Zhan's head and soon breaking the hug and cupping his face. "I was so worried, the restaurant exploded, I thought I lost you, we were so worried,"

"I'm fine Mom, we are all fine," He hugged her once more. He really needed the hug. A lot had been happening and again, he nearly lost his life and that of his baby. He was so glad everything turned out fine and everyone was safe.

"You should rest more, the doctor said you shouldn't move too much, it's risky for the baby. You nearly lost it again,"

Xiao Zhan nodded, lying back on the bed, suddenly feeling bad for the baby inside of him, it hadn't even seen the world yet and he/she was already suffering.

"Mom, is there something to eat? I'm hungry," He whined, placing his hand on his stomach and she smiled.

"Wang Yibo went to get some porridge, the doctor had said you will wake up soon,"

Xiao Zhan beamed and shut his eyes, waiting patiently for the love of his life to walk through the door and he didn't have to wait long as the door soon opened and Wang Yibo strolled into the room with a food flask. Xiao Zhan was back in a sitting position in an instant, folding his legs and grinning up at Wang Yibo who returned the smile and sat beside him.

"You shouldn't be moving too much," Wang Yibo uttered and Mrs. Xiao sighed.

"I warned him, but he never listens. It's good that he's out of danger now," She grinned at the two. "I will leave you two," She told them and walked out of the room.

"What did you buy?" Xiao Zhan inquired with excitement in his voice and his eyes glistening brightly for someone who nearly lost his life. But then again, he had every reason to be happy, they all survived.

"Porridge," Wang Yibo extended the flask of porridge toward Xiao Zhan who refused to accept it, sporting a bratty pout on his lips. Wang Yibo chuckled, getting the hint, and began feeding the big baby.

"How's your arm?" Xiao Zhan asked, eyes flicking over to Wang Yibo's arm that was shot, hidden underneath his white sleeve shirt.

"It's nothing, I've endured worst,"

"Do you get shot often?"

Wang Yibo nodded. "It would be weird if I haven't been shot a couple of times. I rule a Mafia, people die every day,"

Xiao Zhan grimaced at the thought. "Will you still put an end to the syndicate? Won't life be boring without it? Believe me, I don't mind the drama, it makes life interesting and I will have interesting stories to tell our kids," he wiggled his brows and Wang Yibo chuckled.

"You can always make them up, your brain is quite creative but you're right, life would be different without the Mafia. But I can't risk it, you nearly lost your life and a lot of people have died because of it and we are starting a family soon, I don't want anything to happen to our family,"

Xiao Zhan reached out and took hold of both Wang Yibo's hands. "Nothing is going to happen, we have you to come save at the right time and I know you will always show up to save us," He leaned in and pressed their foreheads together, their hearts fluttering with warmth and her breath mixing.

"You trust me too much. Even I don't trust myself," Wang Yibo whispered. He had never trusted himself, most of the time he forgets what he was capable of and by the time he realizes, people had gotten hurt and it was too late, he didn't want that to happen to Xiao Zhan.

"I trust you with my life, I know we are going to be fine. I love you too much,"

"I love you too," Wang Yibo softly cupped Xiao Zhan's face and pressed their lips together in a soft and unhurried kiss, one where all their emotions were being poured out.

"Awee, aren't you guys so cute,"

Wang Yibo nearly pulled back at the voice but Xiao Zhan's hand went to his nape and keep their lips pressed together, instantly deepening the kiss as he climbed on his thighs and straddled his hips, uncaring of the pair of eyes that watched them.

They want cute? Xiao Zhan was going to make them watch live porn if they didn't step out of the room the next minute.

"That's fucking disgusting!" Zhuocheng grimaced, instantly vacating the room, dragging Yubin with him. Zanjin shook his head and went after the two, not wanting to see what came after.

Xiao Zhan instantly broke the kiss as soon as they were alone and giggled to himself. "Their faces were priceless,"

"But you were kissing me, how were you able to see their faces?"

Xiao Zhan shrugged. "I imagined it, you said it, my mind is really creative, I might go into acting soon,"

"I'm sure you will look extraordinary,"

Xiao Zhan nodded and sealed their lips in a kiss again.



Wang Yibo paced from one corner of the room to the other, nearly racking his hand through his hair. How long did it take to deliver a baby? It had been hours since the doctor went inside and Xiao Zhan had been screaming since. He couldn't go inside, he wasn't allowed to.

Wang Yibo was overwhelmed with worry. Perhaps, he should have taken Xiao Zhan to the hospital but Xiao Zhan had insisted on delivering the baby at home because he hated hospitals and nothing was going to make him step in there unless it was beyond necessary.

"He's going to be fine, you have been waiting for this moment," Hiakuan placed a comforting hand on Wang Yibo's shoulder to stop him from pacing around.

"I'm worried, it has been hours,"

Right at his words, the screams finally died down and everyone held their breaths and soon, the sound of a baby crying reached their ears and cheers broke out, especially Wang Yibo who jumped into the arms of his brother unable to contain the happiness in his chest.

Soon, the doctor walked out of the room with a baby wrapped in sheets. She smiled at Wang Yibo, walking towards him. "She's a fighter, Mr. Wang. Congratulations, you have a baby girl," she passed the baby to the father and Wang Yibo had never felt so much happiness in his entire life as he stared down at the tiny being.

"She's so tiny," He uttered, holding her closely, fearing he would drop her. He turned to his brother. "Haikuan-Ge, I am a father,"

Haikuan couldn't stop the smile on his lips from spreading. "She's a cute little one, you are going to be the best Father, Wang Yibo, don't doubt yourself,"

"Have you thought of a name?" Cynna was suddenly beside Wang Yibo, wanting a glimpse of her niece. She cooed. "She's so pretty,"

"Wang Meilin,"

To be continued...!

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