22; Double Madness

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He racked his hair messy, letting the dark locks scatter all over his face as he came to a stop. With a smirked, he strolled lazily into the space that boldly stated POLICE STATION.

He let his legs carry him inside, brushing his finger against his reddish lips, his organ of sight landing on the wall clock ticking loudly, stricking pass mid night, he smirked again, straightening his black Jacket and pants, letting him blend perfectly with the night, he stumbled towards the counter, where two police men on duty watched his every step, his every action.

"Hello fellas?!" His deep voice filled the space.

"Kid, are you by any chance drunk?" Cop one asked as he walked out from the corner, coming towards the unknown person.

"Nah, not drunk. Just seeking for someone!" He winked at them.

"Who are you looking for?" Cop number two raised an eyebrow.

"My made out from madness wife, he got arrested last night, I warned him to stay out of problem but he went seeking for it, Feisty he is!" He chuckled but the men didn't find that amusing as they stared questioningly.

"And who is your wife?"

Slowly, he glanced up and the man standing in front of him flinched, automatically taking a step back as the unknown person's eyes darkened suddenly, matching his blacken hair and clothing.


Before anyone could blink, the unknown man reached out as he unanticipatedly grabbed the man by the neck, twisting it in a snap, instantly dropping dead. The man's bloody orbs snapped to the other perfect behind the counter, reaching out for the alarm button but the man was faster as he jumped over the counter in a sprint, grabbing the cop by the neck as he shoved his head harshly against the wall, making it bleed as the man had already fainted.


The man instantly froze for a second, feeling a cold metal pressed against his nape, his blood stained eyes snapped and wheeled sharply, titling his head a bit as the new cop fired the gun, making it rang loudly across the room, the man grabbed the cop by the wrist, twisting it backwards while the gun dropped from his grip, the man caught it before it could land on the floor and...


The cop dropped with a loud thud as a bullet pierced through his temple.

He ran his sinful tongue over his lips!

"Oops, sorry!" He smirked, seeing from the corner of his eyes as more cops showed up. "Hello boys, have you seen my wife?" He jumped out from the counter and advanced towards them in a lightning speed.


Xiao Zhan groaned for the nth time as he tossed and turned on his hard bed, bringing his hands up to block out the earsplitting gun shot sound coming from different directions but away from the cells.

"What the fuck is going on?" He jerked up straight as the sounds got louder, standing up as he went towards the bars. "Being locked up here for a whole day is not fun and you bloody idiots wants to deafen me, let me have some fucking peace fuckers, am a step away from commiting a freaking murder!?" He shouted but got a chuckle from his cellmate, Xiao Zhan turned to the idiot sharply. "Shut up Hikaru!" He spatted.

The man raised his hands defensively. "I didn't say anything crazy being!"

Xiao Zhan let out a harsh breathe from his mouth as he went over to his bed and sat down with a loud huff, but stilled as the loud gun shots suddenly came to a stop, the entire station turned into a grave yard as Xiao Zhan could hear only breathings.

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