17; Untamed

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Xiao Zhan groaned from his pounding head as his eyes fluttered. He peeked through one eye but the other eye opened as well as he saw nothing but darkness with no source of light. His brows twisted in confusion as he tried to move his body but let out a throaty sound when he felt his body refused to move from the ropes binding tightly around his body.

"Did you guys really had to knock me out, my head freaking hurts!!" He yelled out, only darkness and silence responded. He clearly recalled how he was knocked out for speaking too much...he hissed, shifting on the wooden hand chair awkwardly, trying to sit comfortable but the ropes made it impossible, with a frustrated huff, he remained in that position.

He didn't know how much time passed but it felt like like forever as he sat on that chair, hands and legs tied, shallowed by complete darkness while he released hot breathes from his mouth and just then, the grumbling sound of his stomach disturbed the awkward peace of the empty space he was in.

"Can someone get me some food am hungry, I didn't sign up for this shit!!!" He shouted but what was he saying, he didn't sign up to be married to a godforsaken mafia, he was never even a participant to begin with, just a woman picking random strangers for her son...he rolled his eyes at that thought. "Like seriously, is someone going to tell me the reason why am tied to a chair or are you all dead there?!!"

Another long hour went by and Xiao Zhan was sure he would pass out from frustration and being in the darkness for so long wasn't even helping as it felt creepy. "Am bore!" He tried again and suddenly, the door bursted open with a loud slam and the lights went on. Instantly, he shut his eyes from the sudden brightness, whimpering a bit. "Give me a freaking warning fucker, I won't go blind for your stupidity!!" He spatted, still keeping his eyes shut.

"Can you just shut up, you've annoying the crap out of me since you woke up!!!"  A deep, annoyed voice ranged in his ears and his eyes flee opened, finally adjusting to the brightness.

Xiao Zhan brows arched, being unable to recognize the man standing in front of him, deep chocolate colored eyes and hair. "Who are you...? Can you get the guys that bought me here. I need some familiar faces!!" He smirked, enjoying the annoyed expression sported on his face.

The bulky mam growled as he advanced towards him in a sprint and harshly grabbed his cheeks, squeezing them painfully together with his fingers digging in. "Do you ever shut up??!" He barked.

With a smirk, Xiao Zhan spatted on his face, instantly the man let go of his cheeks and stepped back, wiping his palm over his face before turning sharply to Xiao Zhan, his palm hardly landing on the tied person's face, Xiao Zhan's head turned to the side before he backed away.

"Trust me bitch, your Feisty personality will not help you here, freaking behave before I fucking blow your head off!!" He shouted. Suddenly, Xiao Zhan's entire being burnt with anger as he sharply wheeled his piercing gaze to the man, his orbs combusting.

"If you find me so annoying, get me the fuck out from here or better yet, get me your freaking boss because I can tell you're just a errant boy!!"

Xiao Zhan wasn't stupid nor God for forbid did he have a death wish. He didn't know what they wanted but he knew he needed something from him or they wouldn't have kept him alive for this long and beside, Gangstars  didn't randomly kidnap strangers from the street to be kept alive and he also knew pushing the buttons of his kidnapper would only get him killed but he couldn't help it, he couldn't help the urge to irritate them, he enjoyed ticking this man's patience and a little slap just wasn't enough to keep his mouth shut.

After all, life wouldn't be fun without risk and he was willing to take that.

"You little piece of shit!!" Once again, the angry person's palm made contact with the other's cheek, Xiao Zhan tasted a salty substance in his mouth and spatted it out, the white floor was now stained with his blood...fuck!

3:STAINED |Yizhan Fanfic| BJYX 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora