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Tom supposed he could not be too picky when it all came down to it. He wondered...why someone would even want to live there, though he supposed if there were no other options, it was better then anything else. Though, he could not say that it was...a nice place to be, it was better then no place to be. Though....there were some things to be considered. It had been years, yes, but for some unknown reason, the Gaunts had let this place fall to the dust. He knew that the family was rather arrogant, but so arrogant that they would allow the house of the descendants of Slytherin fall to ruin?

There was something more to this. Tom may not know what exactly it was, but he doubted that his elder self had not come here. Upon the realization that he was a descendant of the Gaunts, he would have paid at least one visit, even if that visit was incredibly brief. There was something going on here that he did not know, furthermore, there was also something else suspicious. Abraxas had come in place of Lucius. While perhaps that would make sense, Abraxas being more experienced, Tom knew that something was wrong. He was just not sure what it was. It was something that he had not considered and now, upon looking at the place, it was a thing that had come to his recollection. 

Lucius had first offered to take him to wherever his Wizarding lands were. He had agreed because...well there was nothing more that he truly could of done but agree, however, the fact that Abraxas had suddenly jumped in to take his son's place was odd. Furthermore, there was the fact that Tom knew Abraxas, though perhaps not as well as his older self, he still knew the man at least minimally. That meant that Abraxas was attempting to figure something out. He knew that he just did not really know what it was. Something...aggravated him. He did not like not knowing what the others desired, it made it hard to read them. Either way, from the current standpoint, Abraxas likely thought he was the Dark Lord's son, rather then the younger version of the Dark Lord. However, this would have to be tested, of course. Which would mean...something about this journey was a test. He did not know what,  but he would have to act similarly, but not exactly, to how he would at any given situation.

It was not that he minded certain people knowing he was the Dark Lord, but it would be rather...tiresome. He did not know enough about his older self, and furthermore, Dumbledore would have a fit, something which simply would not do. Not to mention, them believing he was his old self would mean that they had certain expectations due to how he had acted with them, and unfortunately he did not know HOW he had acted with them because...well, he only had his memories up until now. Anything past that that his elder self had done...Tom was unaware. He would have to tread carefully on this. Not knowing what Abraxas had planned really irked him, but he would have to work around that. He could not risk attempting legitimacy with the elder. He would likely have walls up, and even if he did not, the likelihood that he would be able to sense him was too high for him to risk such a thing. 

Tom sighed heavily, inhaling slowly as he tried to get his thoughts into order. There was much to be done, including going into what seemed to be a death trap, which was a nice way of putting it. There seemed to be a certain...weight in the air. Tom was not entirely certain if that was a good thing or not but he would wager...not so good. 

"So, why don't we head in now?" Draco asked, glancing up at Abraxas, and then turning to Tom. Tom thought it over. He knew that they would have to go in at some point, but for some reason...there was something forbidding about the entire situation. Still, he needed to move forwards. 

"Yes, of course, let us go." Tom said with conviction. Whatever it was that Abraxas had planned, he could not let it deter him. It would only serve to hold him back, and such things were not useful. He could not himself be distracted by whatever the reasons Abraxas have are. 

Tom stopped near the door, pausing. There was someone...inside. Though he may not know why or who it was, there was someone inside, and he himself found it rather...odd. 

Suddenly, it descended upon him. He knew exactly what it was that Abraxas was doing. He would like to be upset, but it was rather tricky, and sly. Tom had to say that he would have done the same thing if he were in Abraxas's place, yet he did find himself irked that he did not possibly think of it sooner. It was rather perfect, in any case, at least Tom knew what to prepare himself for...at least a little. 

He was not aware that there was any family left, barring his bastard father. The old Muggle had still not only lived after abandoning him willingly, but also decided to marry, and have other children. Tom still felt intense anger over it. He had planned to murder him, nd the rest of his family. Unfortunately he had been jerked forwards into time before he had quite gotten to be able to do so. 

Whoever this was, though, Tom held no hopes that they would be understanding to his plight. In fact, he would wager that they would try and murder him on spot. He had to be ready for anything. After all, what were the chances that Abraxas would help him when he was the one who orchestrated everything...that would be slim, and next to none. 

Still, that would not deter him, and so he walked straight up to the door, and in Parsletongue, he hissed open.

It caused Draco quite a start, but that typically happened when one had not heard the language of the snakes before. So it was a rather normal reaction. Abraxas however did not flinch, as Tom suspected he would not, and before the door even fully opened, he was back behind Abraxas as a darkly clad figure jumped from the inside of the house onto where Tom had been standing not a moment before.

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