Lestrange and Malfoy

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Okay, perhaps agreeing to Malfoy's request was not the wisest thing that Tom had ever done. Though, it was not as though he could very well refuse. He could, but that most certainly would not endear him to the other, and he still had no idea what waited for him after the party when Malfoy and the...young malfoy came with him to inspect the property that had been left in his name. The one that he was the only...the only heir to. It was still rather surprising, and he was not entirely certain whether he truly wanted to go. Who knew what was waiting for him there. He wanted to know, but he was also unbearably nervous about knowing as well.

He needed Malfoy to be more, willing to aid him. As such, meeting some people in this party of his definitely would not be too awful. Or so he hoped at the very least. So once the party was in full swing, he allowed himself to be steered by his former classmate to meet whoever it was that he wanted to meet him. He had a distinctly bad feeling, but that would not stop him. Perhaps it should, but he did not really care enough to actually pay attention to that. He simply walked with Malfoy until they came across that one family of that boy Draco had introduced him to. Blaise. The Italian boy. These were his parents, and Tom merely stared at them blankly as Abraxas talked with them cordially. He was incredibly bored, he hated parties in general, and he could not believe he had actually allowed himself to be dragged into this, good for future relations or otherwise. 

"I would like you to meet my grandson's friend." Tom noticed the moment the attention switched to him. Tom stared at them, his dark eyes assessing them carefully. He tilted his head slightly to the side, his eyes narrowed slightly as he took them in, carefully watching them as though they were an experiment he was watching be conducted. 

"Nice to meet your acquaintance." Tom said, forcibly injecting some faked sincerity into his voice, lowering his eyes slightly, and bowing just a little before straightening. "My name is Tom, I am Draco Malfoy's friend," He stated unnecessarily. Perhaps he was a bit too...stiff and formal, but it was a ball, it could be expected. 

"Wonderful to meet you," The couple said. Abraxas just watched the exchanges with curious eyes. The feeling that he should know who this boy was just growing stronger and stronger the more he saw him interact with others. He just...he got this feeling, and yet it was impossible to know exactly what was going on. The person that he thought this boy reminded him of was impossible, he could not be here, but this kid could be a secret heir. That was most certainly possible. He would just need more information. Perhaps when he went with the boy to his inherited homes it would become a lot more clear, yet he could only hope.

"This is Rodophus Lestrange, his wife is currently in Askaban, for helping the Dark Lord." Tom remained impassive. Though, instead of just inclining his head as he had with the rest, he closed his eyes, inclined his head and put a hand over his chest as he bowed slightly. It was...surprisingly traditional and old fashioned greeting. Even Lestrange seemed surprised, which was quickly concealed once Tom lifted his eyes towards the other man. 

"It is a pleasure," He said simply. "I apologize that your...wife...is locked away. Perhaps sometime she may return." 

It was the first time that he had said anything other then how pleased he was to meet their acquaintance, and his name. It was no more or less sincere then any of the other times, but the wording was very different. Abraxas had caught onto that immediately. 

"What do you mean?" Lestrange demanded, dark eyes boring into the boys. Tom did not recoil, however, and just smiled innocently.

"Well, you never know." Was all he said. "The right tools and materials, and it would be rather simple." Tom sighed heavily, rolling his neck around before turning to Abraxas, dark eyes staring straight into his own. 

"I am afraid I must join Draco, before he gets concerned. I apologize for cutting these..." Tom paused thinking it over. "Introductions, short. Master Malfoy, Sir Lestrange," Tom turned on his heel and strode over to the other end of the ball room, to where Draco was sitting with his friends, Blaise, Pansy, and Greengrass. 

"Was that..."

"No," Abraxas said simply. "No I do not think that it is him." 

"He acts so similar though," Lestrange muttered under his breath as he and Abraxas continued about the room pausing every once in a while to make conversation with a few important people in attendance. 

"He does," Abraxas said simply. "But he is so young. It simply would not fit." 

"You think the Dark Lord was promiscuous," 

"It would not surprise him, he was charming enough. Could have anyone he wanted, even after his reign of terror began." Abraxas said as though it were only facts. Even though it was, Lestrange flinched slightly, forced to recall just how smitten his own wife had been with the Dark Lord. 

"Yes, but to have a son?" 

"Who knows. We know next to nothing about the boy, after all. We do not know anything about where he comes from, who he is. The most I know is he is a half blood, and his name. It is possible."

"And how exactly do you intend to conclude that, Abraxas?" Lestrange demanded. "It is a rather huge assumption to assume that the Dark Lord had an intimate moment with someone and produced an heir."

"True, but the boy has lands. I intend to take him and Draco over there. If he is who I think he is, the meeting with Morfin will go quite interesting." 

"Has Morfin not died? I thought he had been killed in Askaban."  Lestrange stared at Abraxas, watching him carefully. "I know the Dark Lord spared him, for a purpose, but I am fairly certain he has died."

"Officially," Abraxas said, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Officially he has."

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