Part 26

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Although, knowing that Morfin was insane, did not really change anything. He was still figuring out how to handle this...person. He was not expecting Morfin to be here, and he could not understand for what ungodly reason his older self decided to spare Morfin, of all people. He could have easily have dispatched of him. He could only guess that there was some sort of problem that kept him from doing so. Though what that problem may be baffled him. Perhaps it was merely sentiment that kept the man alive. Tom cursed inwardly at his foolish older self. He was not the same person, as was once again proven more than obvious. 

"Well, Morfin, Sir," 

"Oh none of that," Morfin growled, eyes rolling. Tom inhaled sharply, annoyed. He did not like being cut off, and had never particularly cared for those who showed no respect and did it without thought. He kept himself from lashing out though, as it was not going to help anything. "Well then, mind if we have" He asked, tilting his head to the side, staring at Morfin with dark, void abyss like eyes. Morfin just stared at him, uncomprehending, more than like. Tom just breathed in, desperate to keep his annoyance under the wraps. 

It would not do to provoke someone whom he had no knowledge of what they were capable of. Then again, he supposed there could be some merit to doing just that. After all, how else do people comprehend their enemies. However, he was not stupid enough to do it in the current company he found himself in. With Draco, he knew that he could count on the boy to help him if he truly needed it, but when it came to Abraxas, he was not sure, and he would much rather really not test his odds. He did not quite care for testing things he was not entirely sure that he would manage to come out on top in. Stupid it may sound, but looking stupid was worse. 

Morfin currently was a wild card. He was sure his older self would know better how to handle him, then again he somewhat doubted his older self. After all, they were the ones who decided to spare this idiot. Morfin however, was staring at him, something unreadable in his expression before he gave a small nod, and moved to the side to let him and his other humans in. Tom strode in almost before forgetting and rolled his eyes to himself, doubling back around and grabbing Draco by the wrist before spinning back on his heel and moving through the door without a seconds' hesitation leaving Morfin and Abraxas to scramble after him and Draco. 

It was somewhat amusing in his own mind. He hid a smirk at the thought of Abraxas having to rush towards them as they just ran forwards. He wondered for a moment if Morfin would even let Abraxas through the wards, he would find it incredibly amusing if he did not. That would definitely be a sight to witness. He was almost upset to see that Morfin did, indeed, allow Abraxas in the wards. He felt it was definitely a missed opportunity. 

"You should have let him scramble outside the wards." Tom muttered under his breath to Morfin who glanced at him confused. 

He supposed it was a bit confusing for a daft person. He rolled his eyes, turning to stare at the other. "Would have been funny to see, and fun to watch." He said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Morfin just stared at Draco, looking to see what he though but Draco, knowing not to be stupid just hummed and looked at Tom.

"Let's sit down, shall we?" He interjected trying to lift the tense atmosphere that seemed to have somehow gathered about them. Tom hummed, grabbing Draco by his torso now, and pulling him to the half degraded couch. 

"I was curious," Tom began, glancing over at Abraxas who was sitting tense next to the elder slytherin heir. 


"What exactly happened to that...muggle?" Tom could not help but give that hint of annoyance and anger, and slight disgust when it came to his father. Such a useless piece of work. Muggles, they were problematic at best. Morfin hummed, as though curious about something. 

"Well, from what I saw, Your dear daddy killed the whole family." 

"Whole family?" Tom questioned, glancing up at Morfin through slightly narrowed eyes, showing his displeasure. 

"Oh, yeah. Dear old sister was so infatuated with the idiot. Not really sure why. Stupid pitiful Muggle he was. Ended up running off and dosing the muggle up with a love potion. Got knocked up and thought they would stay for the baby, needless to say, ran off the moment the potion was lifted." He scoffed. "Sis ended up giving birth and dying cuz she couldn't afford a hospital." Morfin rolled his eyes. "Knew she was weak, did not think that she was that stupid though. I mean, she was a bit dumb, and obviously had no idea what the hell she was doing half the time, but even then..." 

"He killed everyone? No one was spared correct?" Tom asked, wanting to clarify. Morfin looked at him, somewhat interested at this. 

"Far as I know." Tom could not quite stop the slight curl of his lip that formed a half smile, his eyes dropping slightly in their pleasure. 

"Wonderful. Good riddance. Replacing one child for a new one? They deserved what they got." Morfin could sense the dark anger and vengence in this child. He could not help but smile. 

He thought he would like this child. He did not like many, and he was still tainted with the blood of that Muggle, but it would seem that unlike his stupid sister, Salzaar's genes reigned supreme in this one. Who knows how his sister managed it, but her stupidity managed to give him a descendant of Salzaar that just may be worthy. He would need more testing though, who never really know what the other may be thinking, or doing. 

He realized that he saw the calculating smile in the younger boy. 

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