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Upon realizing what it was that had caused the anxiety to take hold of Draco, and to question his validity of attempting to court him, Tom felt as though he somewhat understood a little better. It would seem as though he did not take well to being ignored. It had likely been the build up of things, as well, for as much as the Malfoy's played perfect family, he had seen how Lucius acted with Draco. It was not exactly all love and games and family time. Neither Abraxas nor Lucius had asked over Draco the last few days, and from what Tom could gather, it was definitely not common for Draco to disappear for hours and hours on end. Yet, the others had not even noticed that Draco was not around.

He himself had grown up in similar conditions. The Orphanage was not exactly the best place for children. Barring the religious ridiculousness that prevaded through the very infastructure of the place, it was just not very...welcoming. This house seemed just as cold as the Orphanage did, perhaps even more so to some extent. Tom did not want to remember Draco's room, it sent him wanting to rip things apart. That was not to say that he was traumatized because of his time at the orphanage, no he had made it worthwhile at the very least. His time tormenting the children who had used to torment him was the highlight of his time within the orphanage. Despite the amount of times that the Matrons had thought he was possessed by evil spirits, and the excorcisms that they had tried on him, Tom felt as though his continual reign of terror on those little shits had made things worth it. He had not managed to get back at those stupid Matron's though. Nor had he managed to pay Billy back his due, and if things were continuing the way they were, he would not be able to. That is, assuming they were not still alive. He supposed he could send a party to look for them, at some point.

Back to the young Blonde however, Tom was beginning to note things of great importance regarding Draco's personality, and his behavior. These things were necessary, and quite important in the long run. Particularly if Tom wanted to tie Draco to him. He would need to know what caused Draco anxiety, and how to curb it if he wanted to be effective in his goal. While, yes, he did need the Malfoy family connections, and it was easiest to obtain them by claiming a bond with Draco, there was also another, more selfish reason and that was that he enjoyed the lapse of control that it gave Lucius and Abraxas. Draco was clearly the type of person that was accustomed to obeying orders, and so when it came down to it, and Draco stands with Tom against the will of his family? That will be the defining glorious moment for Tom.

There was more than one reason for this, as well. The First was he enjoyed the control that Draco knowingly or otherwise gave him. It was wonderful to have, and while it may not be overly obvious to the casual observer, it was obvious enough to Tom for him to be beyond satisfied. Of course, he would love more, he would love Draco to never question his commands and his orders, and to never go against him, but that was something that took time, and patience. Such a beautiful mindset was not easily won over in a mere day or two. He had barely begun courting Draco, and it would seem that he had already almost lost his chance.

Of course, that was really what made the thrill even greater. The fact that he also knew that Draco would not stand for this sort of things, if Tom had not managed to handle the situation as he had...well, Tom knew that there was a certain level of interest personally that he was taking in Draco. The Malfoy's may like him, and he knew that Abraxas had some thoughts over his parentage that Tom was quite content to allow to fester. He would not answer anything, and it was easy to play as though he had no idea. It was sort of...funny, in some twisted way he supposed.

"Draco, are you..." Draco threw the door open, eyes wide and his lips trembling. Tom furrowed his brows. Really? I left to my room for a few hours. What possibly happened in but a few hours that caused him this sort of upset? "What happened?" Tom asked, gently pushed Draco backwards and entering the room himself, making sure to close the door behind him. He sighed and tugged Draco towards the bed. "What is it, what happened?" Tom asked, gently tracing Draco's hair with his fingers. His eyes are so pretty with tears. The thought was sudden, but Tom pushed it away just as quickly as it had come. He needed to prove himself, after all.

"I spoke with Father regarding certain...things." Tom's face darkened almost instantly. That man was getting to be a rather incredible nuisance. He did not really like him all that much. He was also no interferring in Tom's plot. Such things simply could not be allowed.

"What were these things regarding?" Tom wondered aloud, tilting his gaze slightly downwards.

"They were about you...and...the courtship we currently have going on."

Tom supposed he should have figured that Lucius would try and jump in the moment Draco seemed somewhat dissatisfied, but that did not mean that it would please him to hear the truth laid before him. He did not have the same sort of sway that he used to when it came to the Slytherins, but he was beginning to show his own set of promise.

"And...what exactly did Lucius Malfoy have to say regarding the situation?" Tom wondered, a wry smile on his face.

"He was just wondering if I thought it was a good idea to continue with it. I told him yes, that I wanted to, but...Father was not overly pleased, even if Grandfather was. I think he is just wary, is all." Oh, Tom would hesitate to say that wariness was the only reason that Lucius wished to try to find a way to annul the courtship, but he would show the man. He did not like it when people interfered with what he had claimed. He could not say that he was all that surprised that Abraxas was gladdened by Draco's decision.

"What else happened?" Tom questioned. Draco may have told him some of what happened, but there was more to it. One did not come crying just because their father wished to have their best interests at heart. No, something had upset the boy, and Tom would know what it was. "Hey," Tom grabbed Draco's face, his fingers trailing downwards to grip his jaw. "What. Else. Happened?" 

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