36. You Ain't Never Ever On The Guest List!

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Chapter Thirty Six

It's driving me out of my mind
That's why it's hard for me to find
Can't get it outta my head
Miss her, kiss her, love her, wrong move you're dead

Brandy was really taking her dang time!

The song Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe was blasting through the speakers instead of No Diggity, and right now, Aaliyah was waiting in line for her best friend.

There was a spare guest list on the table in case one of the two security guards had lost theirs somehow.

Brandy was going to sneak back there and add

People we wish was on the guest list but couldn't make it

Our cousin Stefani

And hopefully it would have worked too.

It did work, Brandy was just taking her time. Aaliyah wasn't the most patient person out there.

In fact, she was getting ticked off as she had paged the girl.

Brandy Candy
What's taking you so long, girl?
It shouldn't take you this long...
Are you OK?
You're still alive right?

Aaliyah hadn't really heard from her friend in a while, that was until she had texted her back when she had least expected it.

Of course I'm still alive Aaliyah😒
Smhhh and I met this fine boy! 👀
I'm here

Aaliyah wasn't surprised.

Brandy had loved nice guys, but she had loved them more if they were cute and nice at the same time.

Clandestinely going to the back of the house, Aaliyah had met up with Brandy, and they had gone inside of the house together.

That was until one of the security guards had realised what they were doing.

He thankfully hadn't seen what Brandy had done, but he had seen Aaliyah in the queue, inevitably calling both of them back.

Brandy had blamed Aaliyah for not being secretive enough, with Aaliyah in the meantime blaming Brandy for taking too long.

Either way, they were all in serious trouble, whether they had liked it or not.

The security guards had asked them for their names, which was where Aaliyah had lied to both of them, telling them that her name was Stefani.

Like Amy and Selena's cousin.

The black security guard had scanned Aaliyah, not saying anything, kind of reminiscing about what Selena had told him earlier.

Aight, here's the guest list for our party, Kortez, Selena had told him before it was about to start. Remember that it's invite only. 

So if someone isn't on the guest list then they can't come?

Selena had facepalmed herself but she didn't say anything else to that.

What kinda question was that?

Well, duh, what does invite only mean? Selena had told him. Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you that she's not on the guest list but if our cousin Stefani could make it then that would be great?

Kortez wanted to know what she had looked like, and Selena had told him, describing her in detail.

She had also indirectly described Aaliyah at the same time, and he had gasped. 

"Ohh, you Stefani!"


Brandy nudged her in the ribs, not saying anything else.

Then Aaliyah remembered what she had told her earlier on about this whole thing.

"Hold up, if I'm Stefani then who will you be instead?"

"Her friend," Brandy smiled. "I didn't bring these sunglasses for nothing."

First they were shoplifting and now they were completely gatecrashing a party as well?

If they didn't get arrested after this then goodness knew what the heck was going on.

"Oh yeah. I'm Stefani!"

In her dreams.

Kortez aka the black security guard had let her through, but not Brandy.

He wanted to know what her name was.

Aaliyah had told her that she had to play Stefani's friend although she didn't say her name.

"Errr... Moesha."

Kortez had seen if there was a Moesha on the gusset list but there wasn't.

He shook his head.

"What? No Moesha?"

"There's Kanisha, which is the closest name to Moesha on the guest list, but there ain't no Moesha. Unless you meant that, although she's already gone instead, I ticked her off."

What now?

Aaliyah or 'Stefani' had an idea.

"Selena said that I can invite a friend."

"I don't remember that."

Little did Aaliyah and Brandy know that Selena had talked to him earlier.

What the heck were they going to do now?

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