Part 20:

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“So,” I had just finished saying about Matt. Caroline just grinned at me and winked.

“Told you, he had a crush on you!” she smirked. I shrugged, “He doesn’t like me in that way. He was just doing us both a favor though I don’t like some boy being my escort. I’m fine with myself.”

“You’re so boring. Anyway, we have to make you pretty for tomorrow then.” She winked at me. I gaped, “I thought I was pretty.” I fake clutched my heart and sighed deeply. She just grinned back, “You are, no doubt. But you won’t be going on a date like this!”

“It’s not a date, Caroline.” I pointed out, annoyed with her assumptions. Matt just asked me as a friend and nothing more. And anyhow, I like him as a friend. Or maybe…shut up, brain!

Damon’s POV:

“…but you won’t be going on a date like this!” Barbie’s voice complained. I turned slightly and spotted Barbie and Kris. Look who came asking for a test. I smirked. She couldn’t avoid me this easily; no girl could. Ah, except Elena. But, we have had our moments so I won’t complain. Alaric, who was watching me silently, asked, “What are you staring and smiling at?” I turned back around and downed a shot.

“Oh, you know, here and there.” I answered. He sighed. “Tell me why I even talk to you?”

“Because I’m awesome.” I retorted. “Come on, let’s move.” He looked at me confused. I wanted to rush outside, into the night.

“It’s been a damn long time since I saw a vampire other than Barbie and Stefan. Might as well see one now…and since we already have a vampire roaming around in town, we can check him out. I hope you carried your vampire-blasters with you.” I teased.

“Yeah,” he nodded, getting up. We walked out of the door and into the cold night. I glanced at Kristen just before leaving the grill. I will make sure to question her once I get home. And it won’t be a problem since she’s staying there too. Today’s gonna be an interesting day.

Caroline POV:

I nodded at whatever Kris was saying but my attention was distracted by the two people walking out the door.

Damon and Ric.

What were they doing? Whenever they were together, they always caused trouble. I mean either drinking or hunting down someone. But they were drinking just now so that means…

“Yo! Earth to Caroline! Where are you lost?” Kris snapped her fingers in front of me. I turned to stare at her.

“Um, hey, I gotta go. Catch you later maybe?” I suggested. I needed to follow them and find out what was happening. Damon needed to know that I wasn’t one who would paint her nails pink while everyone was else was out there fighting. Not everyone, actually. Kris and Matt were kinda out of the loop. And I wanted it to stay that way. I couldn’t get them into trouble. I, now, understand why Elena wanted to keep me out of it. Sometimes, it’s better that way. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t dragged into this at all. I didn’t want any of it. I wanted to live a normal school girl life. And then get into college, find a perfect match and then get married.

Sometimes, I wish I could blame Damon for everything that had happened but I couldn’t. He had saved me. Not killed me. It was Katherine who had killed me. If anyone was to be blamed, then it was Katherine. But I knew Bonnie still blamed Damon for it a little. Yes, he did behave like an asshole but don’t we all? He was just furious with Stefan. I mean, even I would be. His life was pitiable. Loving a woman for a century and coming to know that she never did love him, but instead loved his brother? And then the same with Elena. Anyone was subjected to be that way. I wonder how he even manages to put on a smile and enjoy life. I wonder how he didn’t just give up and hide in a corner. Not even my worst enemy should be subjected to that kind of a life. Damon is just a loner. No wonder, he turned into a Casanova. Because, after a century of betrayal, you can’t help but loose trust in everyone. He was just another victim in life’s cruel games. Good thing he survived.

A/N: SO! I'm back! Yay! Exams finally over and I'm going to tour in a week! *screams* Anyway, how was the story? Caroline's caring side for Damon. Isn't it new??? But I thought her character should be that way. And it's true about Damon though. It's not Caroline's thoughts, it's mine :P

Caroline: Touché!

Me: Hi, Care! *hugs*

Caroline: Hey!

Me: Wassup?

Caroline: I'm in pursuit of Ric and Damon so I gotta go but anyway, *turns to the fans* PEOPLE! Fan and vote and comment! Love, Care.

So, the pic is Damon and Care and the video is about Damon and Alaric drinking! :D ==>

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