Part 9:

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Yippee! Done with 9th part! Do comment! :D


“Great now…! What are we gonna do? It’s already dark and snowy.” Caroline complained getting down from the car.

“What can we do? You’re the one who dragged us here.” I retorted feeling bad to have said yes to this girl’s madness. After all, who would have suddenly decided to go out in the dark that too in peak winter? I tell you this girl is mad! But whatever she is my friend so I can’t complain.

“You need clothes.” Bonnie joined in. Just great! Now Elena was the one who was left out. But she was silent. Her attention wasn’t here. She was watching somewhere else. Something else…I patted her back.

“Hey El, you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah…I’m fine.” She said getting back to the present.

“Elena, what happened?” Caroline asked.

“Nothing, I thought I saw something in the woods.” She replied back. I turned to stare at the woods. The woods…they scared me a lot. I always had a feeling that someone was watching me. But anyway, I’m already too freaked out so I shouldn’t think more. I turned to look at Elena and said, “Probably it were the Wolfs.” Totally uncalled for, I would say. The topic of wolfs sent shivers down my spines. I had had this experience once. A wolf had tried to snare me. I was scared then. Luckily, Tyler had saved me back then.

“We should probably head back home.” Bonnie suggested.

“Not really. If we’ve come this far then we’ll continue. I’ll try checking the engine. The problem shouldn’t be much. And home is too far away from here. We can’t head back. Not without my car anyway.” Caroline urged.

“Alright fine…try to do it fast.” I said rubbing my arms for some heat. I opened the door of the car and searched for something to cover my bare arms with. Luckily, I spotted a small shawl tugged away in the corner of the seat. I took it out and covered myself with it. A sudden realization struck me. Even Elena, Bonnie and Caroline might be feeling cold. I removed the shawl and threw it inside. Maybe, it was better off inside. I heard Caroline mumbling as she tried to scan her engine for any problem. I heard a faint ring in my bag. I opened it up and looked at Damon’s miss call in the call logs. Why had Damon called? I wasn’t sure if I should call back or not. I stuck with the latter. “Almost done!” Caroline smiled a satisfactory smile. I hugged her, “Good work.”

“Let’s roll ya’ll.” Bonnie urged as she opened the door.

“Yeah sure!” Caroline chirped.

“Where to?” Elena asked.

“Already told ya, to the mall!” Caroline replied turning on the radio. Elena tried protesting but when Caroline makes a decision, well, we have to follow it. She is adamant on getting her away in everything. I smiled suddenly. I missed having fun with my best friends. Days have passed since we last partied like this. Assignments and commitments made us busy. All of us had one or the other excuse. Elena was busy with Stefan, Caroline was with Tyler, Bonnie with Jeremy and me, well, I was still trying to get over my relationship with Mathew. He was good but I dunno; it’s just that we weren’t meant to be. Even though they had commitments, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were always by my side. Even Stefan dropped by sometimes to talk to me. But now it wasn’t that way. We all were having fun without any boyfriend dramas. And believe me; I was glad I broke up with Mathew. I never had so much fun with my friends. I guess sometimes you have to learn the truth the hard way. The only good thing about it is you wouldn’t have to worry about doing wrong again. Mathew was an ideal boyfriend but we were having a lot of tiffs in the end; so that added to the break up. Anyway, the past is the past. Right now I wanna live the moment. 

A/N: Almost done with chapter 10th of Be Mine Forever but I am gonna wait for atleast more 50 votes on the story. Sorry I'm being selfish but what to do! I'm trying to contest for next years Watty Awards and I so need those reads, votes and please if you do like the story feel free to comment and vote! :) This is all I ask of you! :)

And that right there is the boyfriend, Mathew. Hope he does justice to the role :)

Good day you'll!!!

Be Mine Forever(A Vampire Diaries Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora