Part 7:

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After thanking Jeremy again, I knocked on the door. Elena opened it. I fake frowned at her, “You could at least tell me, you know.”

“I did…check your phone.” She said defensively. I took out my phone. Sure enough it had Elena’s text message saying to come to Caroline’s. I wondered how I couldn’t know that I had a text message but then I remembered that I had heard a sound but had decided to ignore it. So much for being ignorant, I thought. I entered inside and saw Caroline talking to some one. I wondered who it was. She seemed concerned. That’s when Elena called out to her that I had arrived. Then she turned towards me and asked, “So you went up to my house?” “Yeah…I did…” I sighed.

“Great! And you walked till here?” she asked.

“Not really…Jeremy left me here. Thanks to you I was gonna die and thanks to him I didn’t die. I can see how much you people match with each other.” I joked.

“Sorry…I did message you though.” She said.

“Yeah I know…who is Caroline talking to?” I asked.

“I dunno…she just went inside to fetch something and that’s when somebody ringed up.” She explained.

“Oh…where’s Bonnie?” I asked.

“Bonnie said she would be coming. I think she will come after half an hour. She said she was stuck up with some work of hers.” She said.

“Hmm…” I said as I saw Caroline coming towards us. She came and hugged me. “How are you?! Sorry I couldn’t talk to you yesterday.” She apologized.

“I’m fine…how else could I be?” I asked laughing.

“Come on in…” she ushered me inside. We climbed upstairs and sat on her bed. “Who was it? You looked concerned.” I asked.

“Uh…it was Damon. He had called to ask if I was home…said he wanted to meet me for something.” She said looking away. I wondered what work Damon had with Caroline. Like I told before, Damon wasn’t that friendly types. He kept much to himself. I couldn’t see why he would want to meet Caroline. But well, I couldn’t bother much. I just nodded my head in understanding and looked away. I pushed back the covers a little and placed my head gently on Elena. She pushed back the hair from my face and smiled, “You seem sleepy.”

“I dunno. I slept well last night but I think I am tired.” I said, slightly closing my eyes.

“Well, you should be; a lot happened yesterday.” Caroline said.

“Yeah I guess that’s why I feel tired. Oh, speaking of which I was wondering if I could visit my house once before they completely bring it down. I want to see if I got any clothes that are left. Could you check with your mom?” I asked suddenly thinking about my clothes. Obviously I needed my clothes. I couldn’t wear the same dress everyday. And I couldn’t wear Damon’s clothes either.

“Yup…! Thanks for reminding me. Mom had handed me a few clothes that she had retrieved from the house. I got them somewhere here. Hang on…” she said getting up but I pulled her back and said, “No problem. I’ll take them tomorrow when I leave.” The word tomorrow made me feel sad again. I wasn’t eager to go back to the Salvatore house. Not really. I’ve been acting so stupid around Damon lately. It never was this way. I always was so confident around him. But somehow his presence made me feel nervous. I couldn’t upset myself more so I diverted myself to other topics like, how were the new movies that had come and what was the latest news of our school. Caroline and Elena looked shocked at me. I wasn’t really that gossiping types. But well, if you have to take your mind out of Damon Salvatore then you have to go to extremes. Damon’s always kidding with people and sometimes even hurting them. I wouldn’t be so sure until now. I had heard from many girls of school that he was a heartbreaker. But well, I couldn’t blame him. I was the stupid one who asked about the photo. But why would he be so angry? I couldn’t let my mind wander off again so I laughed unexpectedly. “You guys make me feel like I’ve gone insane!” I said looking at their confused faces. “What I just wanted to know a little about school, that’s it. And anyhow we have school from day after tomorrow so I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I knew something about it.” I added to their relief. But somewhere even I was relieved. If we had school from day after tomorrow then that meant less time in the house and that meant less face off’s with Damon. And that meant less trouble as of now. I couldn’t hide the smile on my face. If I could stay here till late tomorrow then I wouldn’t have to face Damon at all. Until, Monday anyway…till then I could be more confident and less guilty. “I think it’s Bonnie.” Caroline said suddenly getting up. I was so relieved over not meeting Damon that it never struck to me that someone had rang the bell. I saw Bonnie enter inside. I went and hugged her. “I missed you too…” Bonnie said as she looked at me, top to bottom. “You should change into something better.” She remarked. “Yeah I would but…” I started but Caroline jumped in, “I got your clothes. Lemme get them!” She hurried out of there. After five minutes, she came back and handed me a bag. I smiled at her as I took it. Later, I changed into a green tank top and cream colored shorts. I put my other clothes away and looked at them. “Now you look better.” Caroline mused. I sometimes wondered if these girls insulted me or made me feel better. 


Bonnie and Jeremy's GIF on the side. Next up is Damon's POV. What could it be??? Do comment!:D 

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