Part 14:

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I walked back to everyone and snatched Alaric’s glass. I downed it and gave it back to him. He was shocked. I was never the one to drink. Not really. He suddenly understood my discomfort and asked, “Hey, everything okay?”

Yeah, like it ever was. Why couldn’t things be less complicated? I mean I had two guys stalking me. One almost kissed me! And when Damon saved me, I drove him away? I mean, what was up with me? Sure, I knew Damon had behaved like a jerk in the past, but he was just trying to save me right? I could at least talk politely! Where did my manners go away?

“Hey are you okay?” Caroline asked softly keeping a hand on my shoulder. I jerked a little and turned to her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just wanna leave.” I said.

Caroline looked unsure. That meant she was going to meet Tyler here. I didn’t want to ruin her fun so I just nodded towards Elena. Even she wanted to leave. I could tell. Bonnie and Caroline on the other hand were just starting to warm up so I left them to it and me and Elena walked out of the bar. I was half drunk. Elena was thankfully sober so she dialed up Jeremy and called him over. I got inside the car and we reached Elena’s house in no time. I wanted to stay away from Damon for a while so that we could go back to being normal the next time I saw him so that’s why I had decided on staying with Elena for a while. At least till night.

We talked about random stuff for a while when suddenly she started getting on the subject I SO wanted to avoid.

“Kris, ever since you came back from the bar you are behaving lost. Is everything okay?” she softly put her fingers on my cheeks.

“Elena, I…I saw that guy again,” I murmured slowly. I didn’t know why I was freaked out. That guy seemed familiar like I had known him from somewhere. More over, he had this strange aura around him that frightened me.

“What do you mean? Which guy?” Elena asked worried.

“The guy from the mall.” I shivered a little.

“You mean the guy who was staring at you and then who suddenly popped in front of us?” she asked.

“Yes, that’s the one.” I answered.

“Oh no! What did he do?” she questioned sitting up straight.

“Um, I went over to the bar for a drink and the freaking bartender wouldn’t let me get one until I showed an ID so I was walking away when suddenly he gives me a drink and says that the guy across the bar bought me this drink and gave his compliments and I turn to the side and see stalker-boy smiling at me and nodding. I then try to walk away when another guy comes and flirts with me. Then he tries to kiss me and then Damon…” I stopped suddenly not wanting to continue. Elena stared at me. She was obviously as shocked as me.

After a while, she asked, “And what did Damon do, Kris?”

“He came and punched that guy…” I muttered.

Elena pulled me into an embrace and comforted me. God, I loved her so much! She knew me so well! I curled up in her arms, hugging her tighter. She was like my sister from another mother.

“It’s okay, honey. It’s okay. It was just some stranger. He won’t come back again.” She said slowly, running her fingers down my hair. I hoped so too. But it didn’t look that way. I had a bad feeling that this wasn’t the end of that creepy weirdo who bought me a drink. But I chose to live in the darkness about it. I didn’t want to have to put up with the thought that weird boy might be back for more. I didn’t want that. I shuddered. Elena patted my back and tried to comfort me.

“Hey, Elena I heard…” Stefan’s voice said from the doorway. I broke out of Elena’s embrace and looked at him. He looked at my face and instantly got worried. I smiled at him and assured him that everything was fine.

“Uh, okay. I guess I should leave you both. I’ll be downstairs…” he said giving one last smile and then left. I got up.

“Guess, that’s my cue. I’ll see you tomorrow, Lena.” I said getting up to leave. Elena seemed unsure. I just assured her I would be fine and left. I headed downstairs and picked up my bag. I waved at Stefan and Jeremy and opened the door.

“Hey, should I leave you?” Jeremy asked. I shook my head and thanked him again before leaving. I kept walking till 5 minutes when suddenly a black Ferrari pulled up beside me. I stopped and looked at it. A door flew open and Damon motioned for me to get inside. I just kept walking getting faster by the second.

“Come on, now! It’s freezing outside. Get inside the car now. Don’t make me come outside and throw you inside.” He yelled, smirking a bit at the thought. I just scowled.

“No thanks, I’m fine.” I muttered.

“Are you getting inside now or should I come outside?” he asked threateningly.

I debated over it. Did I want to get inside? I mean, sure Damon was a jackass but I couldn’t bear the cold either. I’d rather face Damon than walk in the cold. I mentally slapped myself and got inside the car. Damon couldn’t stop beaming. He was proud. Well, damn, he always got his way! I frowned again.

“Don’t do that. It’ll make you Stefan in no time. And you and me both know that’s one thing you don’t want.” He joked; quite amused at himself too.

“I’d rather become Stefan than become you.” I retorted.

“Aw, that’s a bummer. Cause honey, everybody dies to be me.” He smirked.

“Well, I’m not one of that everybody.” I replied back.

“Ouch! That hurt…” he said glancing at the road once before he dramatically clutched his heart. I grimaced. Why did he have to joke about everything? He knew what had happened yesterday. He himself had asked me to become friends and he himself had behaved rude at me. So why? God! Why did you have to make me put up with Damon Salvatore out of everyone? I’d rather be with that stupid creep than be with Damon. Oh no, no. I take that back. I didn’t want to be with him either. Life was just so messed! 17 year olds can’t live their life normally or what? Kill me!

Damon snapped his fingers in front of my face.

“Earth to you. What are you thinking?” he asked.

“I’m thinking of how you can change so drastically. Remember when you promised me to be my friend? I thought you had changed…I thought the Damon Salvatore I knew as a jerk had changed to a sweet person but no, old habits die hard right?” I asked. Oops! I said it. Did I ever mention the rage of Damon? Made you want to pee your pants. And I’m not joking at all.

A/N: Yay! Two in one day!!! Aren't I just awesome?! Yes, I know, I know. Okay, so let's get back to the was it? AWESOME? WORST? I deserve to know. So get your hands on the comment button and GIMME A FEEDBACK! I crave for it. Yes, it's not longer a secret. Damn!

So getting back to the story, what do you think is gonna happen next? And WHO is the freaking stranger? You'll know. Once I'm kind enough, I'll pour out all details. Should I do it now??? it is.....

NAY! What did you think I would tell it to you? Kris would kill me if I told...she promised to play her part so I won't go against her. Truth will be revealed after a few more chapters. I know, I'm cruel. I won't reveal it now. But hey? What's the fun in telling before?! A lot more secrets are still to be uncovered. Wait for it!!!:D Okay I'll leave you now. And please vote and comment? Means a lot! Remember, I love you alll!!!!!<3<3 All of you are special!!!! Have a good day, you'll! May all your wishes come TRUE!!!<3

PS: GUYS, GUYS, GUYS!!! ===> THAT IS MY FIRST EDIT!!!! HOW'S IT? I made it look realistic. I hope you like it! Comment :)

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