Part 2:

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“Yup…Stefan came home with me yesterday…even today I think Damon will have the whole house to himself.” Elena explained. “Hmm…so even today I’ll have the whole house to myself huh?” Damon asked coming out of the room. Stefan followed slowly, feeling worried. “Is something the matter Stefan?” Elena asked. “No…nothing…” Stefan looked at her. “Oh okay…” Elena smiled. Suddenly, there was another doorbell. “I got it!” Stefan walked towards the door and opened it. Sheriff Forbes walked in. “Oh there you are! Caroline told me I could find you here.” she said motioning towards me. “Me? Why would you need me?” I asked worried. “Oh Jesus…you dunno?” she asked me. “Know what?” I asked looking at Damon, who had shifted his leg. “I think it’s better if you sit down…” she advised. “Okay…” I sat obediently. She walked towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder, “I didn’t wish to be the one to break this news to you but I have to…your house burned…down to ashes. I dunno what started the fire but it finished every single thing…” I dropped my phone. “Are you serious?” I asked. “I wish I wasn’t but it’s a fact. I just want you to come with me and take a look at the house. Maybe you could even help us to diagnose the problem.” She looked at me. “Ye…yeah…sure…I’ll come…” I said shocked. I quickly followed her towards the door and turned back to Damon. Then I turned to face Elena, who was looking at me shocked. “I’ll see you later, I guess.” I said turning back to the sheriff. “No we’ll come with you…” Stefan offered. “Yeah…” Elena agreed coming out of her shock. “Damon? You coming?” she asked. “Uh…yes…” Damon looked at me worried. Elena walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, “I’m so sorry, Kristen.” “It’s okay…” I mumbled lifting my lips a little. I couldn’t feel anything around me. The only thing that I knew was Elena was slowly taking me to the car. I felt the pushing. I wasn’t walking. She was helping me to walk. I was in complete shock. Why would this happen? And how come I don’t remember anything? All sorts of questions raced in my mind as Stefan and Damon ran to their vehicle and sat inside. They were coming separately, I guessed. I saw Caroline waiting near the car for us. It was evident that even she was worried for me. I felt happy for an instance to see so many people who were always there for me. But why would Damon lie to me? Why would he say to me that I fainted in the middle of the road? Or maybe I was thinking too much. Maybe I had fled when I saw the fire. Maybe he did rescue me from the road. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was exaggerating. How could I hold him responsible? After all he was the one who saved me. Maybe from the fire or maybe from fainting but he did save me. I should thank him for that. Not doubt him. “Kristen? You there with me? Kris?” I could hear Caroline waving her hand in front of me. I realized I had reached my house. My burnt house. How I reached there, I had no idea. Maybe I was lost in thoughts. That’s why I didn’t notice. I got down from the vehicle and looked at my house. It was all shattered to pieces. I pictured myself roaming around the house happily when I had first gotten it. But now? Now what? It was no more eligible to be called a house. “You sure you don’t remember anything, Ms. Rogers?” a police officer asked me. “No, officer. Not at all.” I looked at him confused. “Uh…I do…” I looked behind to see Damon walk up to us and look at me slowly. He turned back to the officer and said, “I was passing by her house yesterday night and I heard screams so I went inside to see a fire blazing up. I rescued her from there and brought her back to my house.” “Hmm…I see. You are Mr. Damon Salvatore, am I right?” the officer asked him. “Yes, officer.” Damon said. “Okay…that does it…we just need to know what started the fire.” The officer said walking away from there. I looked at Damon astonished. So he did lie to me, huh? “I can explain…let’s just go back please?” he looked at me pleadingly. “Okay…” I whispered. He placed a hand around me. I wasn’t in a mood to rebel so I slowly allowed myself to sink into him as he helped me towards the car. I could hear him assuring the sheriff that he would keep me at his house. I opened my mouth to oppose but he slowly put a hand on my mouth and pushed me inside the car. I looked behind me in the car. “Where is Elena and Stefan?” I asked weakly. “They are coming with Caroline. You should rest now. Please. Just rest okay?” he looked at me as he started the car’s engine. “Mmm-hmm…” I whispered as I slowly fell asleep. He slowly put a hand around me as I started to fall.


I woke up later. I saw Damon sitting on a chair waiting for me to wake up, I guess. He looked at me, “Oh thank God, you’re awake! Elena! Stefan! Quick! She woke up!” He seemed very much relieved to see me awake. But why was he so happy? I wondered. Elena came beside me and hugged me, “Oh my God! Thank God you’re okay…we thought the news affected you a lot.” “Yeah…I’m fine. I’m just too exhausted. I need to see if there is any house on rent for now.” I said slowly rubbing my head. “What? Are you out of your mind? You’re gonna stay here okay?” Elena looked at me. “No…I can’t…” I said. “No…you’re not going anywhere…you’re gonna stay here until you are okay.” Stefan urged. “No really Stefan. I’m fine now. I can handle…trust me..?” I said looking at him. “No…you’re gonna stay here and that’s final. If Damon wouldn’t have been there today you would have definitely fainted. I just need you to stay here okay? For a while. Just till we make sure you’re okay to go out again.” Elena said as Stefan turned to look at her. “Umm…Damon? Can I talk to you for a while?” Stefan asked Damon as I looked at him curiously. “Be right back…” he continued as Damon nodded his head and walked out of there. I slowly got up from my bed. “Uh-uh…rest!” Elena ordered me. I sank into the bed and looked at her, “Please…I just don’t feel right staying here…I mean it feels too weird to me you know. Ever since mom and dad went to Greece, I’ve been staying alone. I feel too dependent you know.” “Oh shut up! Stefan and Damon are your friends. They wouldn’t mind you staying here. You aren’t a burden to them okay? They would love if you stayed here. Even I stay with them right?” Elena asked. “Yes, because you’re Stefan’s girlfriend, for God’s sake. You are his girlfriend so obviously you can stay here right?” I shot back. “So what? You’re their friend.” She looked at me, raising her hands. “But…” I started before she cut me out. “No but-buts. You’re not to be excused today. You are listening to what I, Stefan and Damon have to say, is that clear?” she ordered. 

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