Part 10:

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“Just go and try it out!” Caroline commanded as she moved through the aisle to check for some more girly dresses for me. I tried explaining to her that I wasn’t up for some oh-I’m-so-girly type dresses. What I really craved for were dresses which made me look simple and not so girly. I glanced at Elena who smiled and gave me encouragement. After all, we all had to fall for Miss Caroline’s demands. Who could risk waking up a sleeping and hungry lion? So I silently walked towards the changing room and changed into the clothes.

“Wow! I love you!” Caroline screeched as she took me into an embrace. I turned towards the large mirror and swirled around. It was a strapless purple color evening gown which came up to my knees and formed an umbrella around my hips. I actually looked good. It wasn’t like I’m into these kinds of dresses but somehow it made me feel pretty and special. After all, purple is my favorite color so I think that added to the feeling. I smiled unexpectedly. Homecoming was coming on the next Saturday. I had to wear a good dress.

Caroline looked at me suddenly, “Don’t think you can wear this at the homecoming. I already selected a few dresses for you. I need you to go and try them out so that I can finalize the dresses. Now be quick! We don’t have time!” I looked at her weirdly. How could she say what I was thinking?

“What? Been your friend since 7th grade; think I’ll not know you this much?” she asked.

“No, it’s just that you told exactly the same thing I thought.” I said looking at the collection of dresses in her hand. OMG! Do I have to try all those? It would take more than half an hour for me to get into and out of them and it would take more half an hour for Caroline to decide which to ditch and which to take. I hurried inside the room and tried out all the clothes. In the end, I had selected a black gown which went down to my ankles. It was classy looking. I looked at myself in the mirror for the third time. Yup, I loved this dress. Others were too girlish. This was cool. My mind drifted off to the time when Mathew and I used to go shopping. He would select the dresses for me and trust me; each time he used to win my heart by bringing dresses which looked good on me. I missed those times. Mathew and I looked great together. Anyway, why am I talking about that? It gets me nowhere. I helped myself to the brownies Caroline had brought and asked her, “Shopping done. Can we leave?”

“Not really. I already planned about watching the last part of Batman today. And speaking of which we need to hurry up...The movie is about to start. We better get there before it starts. I’m not gonna miss out on this movie. Christian Bale is my favorite. Let’s go gals! Move your asses!” she urged.

“What! Wow!” Elena spoke for the first time in minutes. I looked at her and smiled, “I thought Caroline was the only Christian fan here.”

“Not really. I love the batman series.” She replied.

“I’m done with my food.” Bonnie announced.

“Great! Let’s move you’ll!” Caroline shouted. I am not sure what is gonna happen of these girls. I got up from the seat and picked up my bag. “I’m done. I’m going to the washroom to freshen up. See you in the cinema hall.” I declared.

“Wait! I’m coming with you.” Bonnie said getting up too. I turned to look at her and took her hand as Caroline hurried away with Elena.

When we returned Caroline had a dejected frown on her face. I nudged at Bonnie and indicated at Caroline. She smiled, “Looks like we won’t be seeing the movie after all.”

I laughed, “Pretty much explains why Caroline is scowling.” I walked straight to them and lifted my hands up at Caroline and added, “Told you…hurrying wouldn’t get you anywhere. So can we go now?”

She nodded but smiled suddenly. “I’m gonna go get the tickets for tomorrow.” She announced jumping and running back to the counter. I shook my head disapprovingly. This girl would never learn! After a while, we reached Caroline’s place and rested in her room. I was tired and bounced on the bed; ready to sleep any moment. But Caroline shook her head and said, “Don’t you dare think of sleeping. Last time I’d let it go. Not this time.”

I frowned, “Yeah right. You temme what to do…I’ll do it. After all, I’m but your humble servant subjected to slavery for infinity.”

Elena burst out laughing as she looked at Caroline tilt her head towards me and threw her pillow. She bent down just in time for Caroline to throw one at her too. I snatched a pillow from the bed and threw it at Caroline. She looked at me in awe.

“You are challenging me to a pillow fight? I know I haven’t done this in a while but I was a champion at this!” she announced getting up from the bed. She saw a pillow lying next to Bonnie and threw it at me. I ducked in time. I picked up the fallen pillow and threw it back at her. She was about to throw one until Bonnie interrupted, “Good Lord! Guys! You’re behaving like teenagers. Pillow fight, really?”

Caroline and me caught a glance of each other and grinned throwing our pillows at Bonnie. She looked at us with a glare and jumped on top of the bed.

“This is no good at all!” she declared snatching a pillow and throwing it at us. Ouch! A tiny cry escaped my mouth. This girl is so gonna pay. After a while of throwing pillows at each other, we sat down on the bed. Caroline looked the most contented. She had however dragged Elena into it and she had taken her sweet revenge on us all. So much for going against Ms. Forbes…


Done you’ll! I had said I would post it after I get 50 votes but what to do I couldn’t keep on delaying. Anyway here’s chapter 10 for you!!! Please do comment and vote.

And thats the baby doll Kristin Kreuk! I SO love her!!!<3

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