Bonus Chapter(by @rohit6997)

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© Rohit Bharadwaj/Mariam Qawi Starlights/Be Mine Forever – Bonus Chapter (A Damon & Kristen Fanfic) Faith.


*3rd person POV*

Damon carefully opened the door to the newly furnished flat and walked in with Kris in his arms. She was sleeping, for he had knocked her out and gently snuggling in his arms. He silently thanked the gods – which he didn’t really believe in – that she was unconscious. He took a seat at the middle of the edge of the new bed, with her now placed along his body. She had one arm around his neck, and the other locking up with it. She had a smile on her face which, earlier, he only would’ve described as ‘annoying and like that of a hangout smiley’ but now – much to his surprise – he liked it. He placed her on the bed, and began taking off his half-torn jacket. Pasting a chaste kiss on her forehead, he turned his attention to his jacket. Looking at it, he muttered some colorful words and went to the kitchen.

*Kris’ POV*

I woke up, slightly grumbling and then with a start. And at that immediate moment, my head spun like crazy.
Ugh whiplash!

I held my head in my hands and rubbed my forehead. Looking around, I found myself in my new apartment. Mom had it furnished overnight and since tonight it was homecoming I was supposed to go to Caroline’s house for a sleepover, but how did I get here?

A thousand thoughts were running through my mind at the same time, and one thing stood out in neon painted bold letters. The last thing I remembered was that I was with Stefan and Damon with that girl Katherine in that old dusty house and…

I grabbed my head again as it began to hurt. Standing up from the bed, I headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. With shaky steps and hands, I opened the door with some more questions standing out from the trainload of others – How the hell did I get here? What actually happened there? Who or what are Stefan and Damon actually? Who was Katherine? Did the girls know about all this? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

I reached the kitchen door and stopped dead in my tracks. Damon stood staring at me in the kitchen, supporting himself off the counter. He was holding a small bottle of water. He was just wearing his blue shirt that he had worn while accompanying us to the dance. His suit jacket was nowhere here, but I guessed that it was somewhere around here. And that’s when all the memories came back.

Fear and rage poured themselves in full concentration into my veins, an ugly mixture of yellow and red – and thick soupy red. His eyes narrowed at me, his fists clenched and his pose changed to something like he was trying to stop himself from coming towards me. I stepped back, my lips – hell, my whole body – was quivering and accidently knocked myself over a small desk corner and fell on my butts. But the pain didn’t matter. What actually did matter was that in front of me was a live vampire. He stepped ahead, and then slowly reached down for me.

“Stay away from me!” I shrieked, slapping his hand away. He withdrew it, and I could tell that he was hurt by my hostility. Well that’s not my fault! What’d anyone expect me to do when a live vampire was standing in front of me? Kiss him? I’d bloody like to do that, since Damon looked rolling-in-bed kinda hot with two of his top buttons open and his hair a wild mess, and his expression seemed to be something of a mixture of all forms of nothing. But in any case, I would like to keep my lips to myself for now, and not let anyone else’s get close to them either. Even when Damon looked like he came out a fantasy. Even if I would like his lips to get so close to mine right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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