Part 16:

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A/N: One thing before I start the story, this chapter is dedicated to Shawna A.K.A Wolf's gal cause she made the awesome cover(pic in the previous part) and I wanted to thank her! She's awesome! 

Now the story:

I rubbed my eyes and opened them. I looked at my phone and widened my eyes. OMG! 6:00! Oh shit! Oh shit! I was late!!! I bolted upwards and literally fell off the bed. I ran to the washroom and closed the door behind me. I took a quick bath and wrapped a towel around my body. I rushed outside and picked up my suitcase. I rummaged though it. Finally, I found a pair of tight black jeans and a white blouse. I threw on a black jacket and wore my black stilettos. I put on some mascara and eye liner and looked at myself. I looked like I was going to kill someone. That was the look I was looking for today - Incredibly hot! I smirked at myself before I grabbed my phone and bag and rushed out of my room. Stefan was sitting on the couch while Damon was sitting on the bar stool drinking bourbon. Stefan got up and smiled at me. 

"Hey, I was waiting for you to wake up so we could go together..." he said coming towards me. 

"Oh thanks! I was just starting to curse myself for leaving my Ford behind." I said. Hey, don't look at me like that! Ford was all mom and dad send. They told me they would get a better one later. I wonder when that later is. I mean it's not like they don't earn insufficient amounts. It's just that they are two very busy people who stay in Greece almost all of the time! Speaking of, I forgot to call 'em! They'll be furious. I don't think they even know about the house. Oh shit! I'll have to call them!  

"Let's go?" Stefan asked, interrupting my brooding. I nodded and we went to his red Porsche. I admired this car a lot.  

"Piece of cheese!" I remarked, getting inside. Stefan looked at me, not understanding what I meant. 

"Your car," I started, admiring the car before looking at Stefan, "You have to let me drive it some day..." I continued, tracing my fingers along the dash board. Stefan chuckled, "Yeah sure. One day." he trailed off, hitting the ignition. 

"I better hope so else I'll have to resort to stealing..." I joked. Stefan mock glared at me before saying, "Thanks for informing before hand. Now I'll know who it is if at all its stolen." I laughed as we pulled out of the garage and sped off towards school. 

"So how're you holding up?" he asked concern filling his face. 

"Oh, I'm amazing!" I joked, pushing a strand of my brown hair at the back. I rummaged through my bag, finally finding what I needed. I pulled my hair up into a pony with it. Stefan sighed softly, clearly he didn't believe me much. I was better, yes. But not that good. The image of my house kept playing in my head like it was stuck like a broken record or something. I smiled reassuringly at him. He nodded at me before turning his gaze in the front. Stefan Salvatore is the best brother ever! The car suddenly came to a stop. I looked up and realized that we had reached school. I got out of the car and followed Stefan inside. We spotted Elena and Bonnie after a while and rushed over to them. While Stefan and Elena locked lips, I hugged Bonnie. Bonnie returned the hug before I was pulled into another pair of hands. I looked up at Jeremy. 

"Hey," he smiled at me. 

"Hey, Gilbert! Wassup with ya?!" I asked, winking. 

"Nothing. Just convincing Bonnie to wear the dress I brought for her for homecoming!" he said, pouting. 

"Hey! It's TOO revealing don't you think?" Bonnie asked. 

I laughed, "Bennett, you better listen to your man, okay?"  

"Yeah, whatever!" she said blushing when I said 'your man'. She can be so cute and shy sometimes!  

"Speaking of..." a new, well-known voice chirped abruptly stopping when Bonnie, me and Elena pulled her into an embrace. She scowled, "Never interrupt me."  

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