Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Dream.exe stopped working

It passed two weeks. While these weeks passed, I only did some interesting stuff.

When I came home the day, I cleared my first C Rank dungeon, I talked to my sister who gasped when I gave here all the money I made. She hugged me and had some tears of joy. We clinked glasses to celebrate it. I was so happy, that she didn't blame me for going into a dungeon. She also didn't ask me how I made all this money. I know my sister isn't 21 yet, so it wasn't legal drinking wine with her, but if nobody complains no one will notice.

She got tipsy after her first glass, so I stopped her and followed her to her room, so she won't fall and get into her bed without any problems. While I drank my glass, an interesting message popped up. 'Poison detoxicated' I didn't get drunk or tipsy. Maybe the ability I gained that day from the boss, cleared every poison in my body, and drugs are poison, too... so. I can't get drunk. Unfortunate.

What else happened in those weeks? I did my daily guest every day, went into every damn C Dungeon out there with my two new friends. We got good buddies, I kind of defrosted myself. Wasn't that cold anymore, talked more and so on. I found out that Bad is a sensitive person. He understands you and your problems very well.

While fighting a lot of C Rank dungeons and bosses I leveled up, quite a bit. Some of these Instant dungeons I cleared as well. Those got harder and harder. I guess even harder than C Rank dungeons. I gained a few more weapons. But I stayed with my daggers and bow. They are so useful. I should go into a B Dungeon soon. I have to get better.

And now I am on my way to see my friends. We'll meet at the café I went with Tubbo. This time he is coming too. He wanted to see me again to check if I am fine. Therefore, he'll be there too.

I already did my daily quest, so I took the bus. While looking out of the window, like a depressive anime character, I put my headphones on. My sister bought me a new smartphone and some other stuff. She said I should do something good for myself. I even had to change my phone number. However, before doing so I sent my friends the new number. A nostalgic feeling arose when I saw the last contact on my phone, who I didn't send my new number. It was his. I blocked him a long time ago.

When I arrived at the cafe I put on my mask. I was the first one there. On time, like always. I saw Tubbo enter the room. He immediately saw me and sat next to me. "Why the mask" he asked with a smile. "Some friends are coming too" I just answered his question. "They didn't see you face?" he asked. I smiled. "You are the only one outside of my family who knows my face." "Wow. I feel honored" We laughed. Only a few minutes later Bad and Sap entered the café and walked towards us.

"So, this is your friend, you talked about" asked Bad with smile. Tubbo got a bit red. "You talk about me?" he asked. I just nodded. "You are just like my little brother." He smiled. "Now I even feel more honored." Nick sat right next to his best friend. "Tubbo, right? Did you saw his face?" He nodded with a bright smile. "Unfair" he said while acting upset. I just smiled under my mask. "You didn't miss a lot. He is ugly" the healer giggled. "Hey!" I said acting angry. Everyone laughed.

After ordering something to drink, Nick explained why he wanted to meet me. "I have offering for a B Rank dungeon." I turned my head towards him. "When, where?" "Tomorrow, 11 am in the central park." "I want to go with you guys!" Bad smiled with happiness. "No." Nick said harsh. Never saw him like that. "I won't bring you in such a danger" "But I am strong!" "No, you barely survive an C Rank dungeon. Even those are too dangerous"

I never saw them fight. I understood Nick. He wanted to protect his best friend. Tubbo and I stayed quiet, just looked at each other. Then Tubbo interrupted the fight. "Eh, Darryl... You can clear a D Rank dungeon with me at this day. Bad pouted but mumbled "Fine." Nick looked relieved. He hated fighting with this shorter male. The Tank turned towards me again. "Are you in? We even have a strong leader. I know him personally. He wouldn't be a traitor." I just nodded. "I am in"

Finally, a B Rank dungeon this will get interesting.

When I left the café, I gave Tubbo two of those shiny crystals. I wanted to help him and his brothers. He gasped. "Dream this is just- "His eyes got wider. I just smiled. "It's fine. Use it wisely" "I will."

I didn't clear any dungeon that day. I wanted to get ready for this dungeon. I didn't say my sister anything. She didn't even know I went into C Rank dungeons. Lis will die in fear if she knows what I am doing.

Nick wanted to pick me up at the front of the house where my apartment is. Therefore, I made my daily quest before he got there at eight am. When I changed my clothes the bell already rung. He is here. I looked at myself in the mirror and put on my green hoodie. I gained a lot of muscles. My posture got better. I stood straighter, so got even taller than I was before. My face was sharper, but the freckles were still there. My green eyes shined different then a month ago. Stronger, more confidence, without fear. But the sadness was still there. I sighed. I put on my mask, while going to the door. I opened it and saw into a bright smile, which faded in just a second.

Nick looked different. He had a lot of armor on, a helm, a chest blade, even something to protect his legs. He had a new shield. It seemed giant. "Where is your armor?" He asked. "Armor?" The Tanks eyes got wider. "You really want to tell me you go there without any armor" I didn't answer. Armor makes me slow, however I am a fast attacker. It would just be in my way. "I don't need some" Nick just shook his head. "You are dumb, dude. "I smiled. "Yeah, I know.

We walked straight towards the dungeon. The feeling was dense. The energy this dungeon makes is tremendous. I was overwhelmed.

"It looks like our leader isn't here yet" Sapnap mumbled, while being overwhelmed by this energy as well. He passed me and stood right before me. "This is my first B Rank dungeon. Because of Bad I never went into something harder than a C Rank dungeon. Woah" I nodded. "I know how you feel" He turned around me and smiled at me. "Amazing, right?" I nodded at the shorter male.

Then I heard a voice right behind me. A voice I knew very well, to well. Every muscle of my body tensed. My heart missed a beat. It was as overstrained as I was. Couldn't handle this situation well. Afterwards my heart just pounded faster and faster. His British accent was something I will never forget. It echoed in my ear repeatedly. My eyes widened in shock. My whole body felt hot and cold at the same time. I couldn't have one normal thought. To be exact, I couldn't think about anything at that point. I was in shock. I felt my hands making a fist. My own nails stung into my skin, however even this pain couldn't get me out of my numbness. My own sweat ran down my body. My stomach felt like I have to puke, like something flew around, making me ill. I was totally overwhelmed

"You must be Dream, right?" he said with a audible smile. It was just one sentence which made me tremble. I didn't notice Sapnap's smile. My body was overwhelmed with this situation, with this lovely voice.

"Hello, George!" Sapnap smiled, greeting his friend.


OMFG Finally!

After 22000 Words George finally appears!

I hope you liked it!

Quess in the comments how you think this will go on ^^ Would love to hear your guesses

Merina ^^

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