Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A weakling

There are many different types of dungeons. Cave dungeons, antic dungeons, building dungeons and even more. All these have sub-categories. Mostly every D or E dungeons are Cave dungeons. Like this one.

When I entered the dungeon with Tubbo on my side the view wasn't very unsimular for me. If no one would have told me it was a D Rank dungeon, I wouldn't see a difference. But I felt a difference. The atmosphere was dense and stronger. I swallowed.

This is a lot more different than the E Rank Dungeons. Tubbo looked at me in fear. He felt the strong powers as well. He was scared, I have to be strong for him so he wouldn't lose it and stay calm. I take a deep breath. Even though I already wanted to leave I didn't. "Let's do it" I smiled, and he looked at me flabbergasted. Only a few seconds later he shyly smiled back and nodded. "Yeah" he mumbled.

"Come on you two! We don't have the whole day to spent!" an old man grouched at us. We closed the gap to the rest of our group. I glanced towards Tubbo as often as I can, he still is scared. "We will do it. You don't have to be afraid. We just have to stay in the back.

Our Leader is a C Rank. He is strong" I encouraged him, even though I am frightened of the unknown monsters as well. He nodded quietly. Just when he started to say something, we heard a scream from a woman on the front.

"Lizards!" she cried.

I froze just then, just by my instincts I put Tubbo behind me and looked around. Tubbo did it just like me. Where could these beasts come from. There is only one way to attack us. From behind and from the front. There are no tunnels leading to others. I turned around. Nothing is coming from the back, so they just attack the front. Our strongest warriors. We don't have anything to fear.

I just turned around and wanted to say to Tubbo that everything is all right, when a lizard jumped from the ceiling onto me. These monsters were huge, even without their tails, they are at least 2 meters long. The lizard who jumped towards me crashed me towards the ground. Therefore, I laid on the cold stony ground.

The sharp nails drill into my own flesh, tearing my green hoodie apart, but that didn't matter for me right now. I screamed out of pain and tried to push this gross monster from myself. I didn't notice that even Tubbo screamed even though the lizard is just hurting me.

The open wounds felt like I was burning. The lizard didn't stop so I felt like he is not only tearing my hoodie apart but also myself. I closed my eyes because the pain was just too much.

If nothing happened, I would have died just there. But I didn't. The movement of the lizard stopped, and I felt a way heavier weight on my body. Like the lizard just collapsed. I opened my eyes and a swordswoman stood above me. She killed the lizard. "Thank me later" she said harsh.

Tubbo helped me getting that Lizard from my body. I was just so weak, I felt so helpless. I just made more trouble. "I-I am so-sorry- I I couldn't do a-anything" cried Tubbo while shivering. His tears run down his cheeks and he looked so scared and relieved that I am still alive.

"Everything's fine. Don't worry- Now stop crying." He nodded, still crying. And for me, I just tried to come over my almost death scenario. I will never underestimate these monsters again. I attempted to sit up, but I couldn't. I bite my teeth together. My wounds were so deep that it just hurts.

"Oh wait- "Tubbo said quietly and laid his hands upon my injuries. His hands glowed and my body felt warm. I regenerate. "You're a healer" I assumed, and he nodded. I knew that healers get exhausted If they use too much of their energy. Therefore, after a few moments after I felt some improvement at my wounds I said. "You can stop now. It's okay. I know it is arduous." I sat up. "Thank you. I am fine" He smiled slightly.

"You two. We go further." the women, who saved my life, said annoyed. I sighed and stand up. My injuries still hurt but I didn't care much. The fight was over so we can go further. Our teammates are extraordinarily strong. These beasts did almost nothing to them. They were so much more experienced than I am.

The cave got tighter so we got closer and closer together. I tried to stay calm even though I am extremely scared and nervous. I talked with Tubbo who isn't in a better situation than I am. The swordswomen kept an Eye on us, and so we survived the next few phases. Tubbo healed the wounds of the injured and I tried to stay alive. My sister will not be happy when I come back with even more cuts and wounds.

The C Rank leader was incredibly good at his job. No one died until we reached the boss room. It was looked by a huge door. It was decorated with some ornaments. It was made from dark wood and seemed pretty old even though this dungeon appeared only a day ago. These dungeons really tricked your mind. Sometimes you think they existed for such a long time, but that is false. They just appear and leave, just like in a video game. The problem is you can't revive like in such a game.

I knew that firsthand. I survived death not only once. Just today I nearly died. I do this job since I was 18 so in these three Years, I was in a lot of unpleasant situation. If someone asked me how I did survive these years, I would say, I don't know. Of course, my mother and sister didn't know about my situations inside these dungeons. If they knew, they would never let me go in one of these dungeons ever again.

"We rest before we enter the boss room. In half an hour we will enter the Room" our leader said. Immediately I said down onto the ground. My body was worn out. Tubbo sat right next to me. "I am scared-"he confessed. "You don't have to. Our leader will kill the boss. It's just one giant monster. And if something happened you can heal us", I said to calm him down.

I didn't tell this just to him, but to myself as well. Everything's going to be all right. "But I don't have a good feeling about this" "Is it because I almost died like two hours ago?" I asked. He stayed quiet, didn't even looked towards me. "I am honest. I was in these kinds of situations a lot." I explained while I soughed.

Tubbos head turned towards me and his face looked scared and worried. "I am an E-Rank what did you expect? And even for an E Rank I am weak." I spoke. Then it was all silence again. I unpacked the food my mother gave me. Tubbo had also something with him.

While I ate the peanut butter sandwich I thought about my family. What if Tubbo is right and something is off. What if I die in this room? No, I can't. My family is waiting for me at home. I can't let them alone. They need me and not for the money. My sister would be on the ground if I just died. I can't die. It is impossible.

I looked towards the brit. He ate his bread and was silence. You could see that his mind was at another place right now. He is worried and frightened. I can't see him die either; I can't let him die. I smiled at myself. Well, it's your first kind of friend after years right, Dream?

They all turned my back when they heard that I am a E Rank. It didn't help that my awakening was pretty late, therefore they got a lot of more important friends. I can't blame then. I am just a weakling. It hurt. However, I came over it. I have better things to live for.

Just when I finished my sandwich the leader spoke up. "Take all you need; we are going to leave now!" His voice was harsh and energetic. He was a knight with a longsword. He must be talented. I will give him my faith. He will lead us through this boss fight.

I stood up and pull the daydreaming Tubbo with me. "We are going. Do you want to retreat? Now it's your last chance" I asked. "If you're going, I am going too." I nodded. "Okay. But don't blame me for dying" I smirked. My desperate attempt to make him feel a bit happier. It didn't work, what I expected.

"We're starting now!" the leader yelled and opened the heavy door, and we went trough in one go.

I have to survive- I just have to!


The next chapter may comes a bit later because it may will be double as large as this one ^^"

So maybe It will come tomorrow but I guess it will come out the day after tomorrow.

I'm sorry ^^"

LG Merina

Awakening //DreamNotFound//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt