Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Alpha wolf

I smiled at those two dead bodies laid before me. I grinned and hunkered down looking at those two tigers. I leveled up twice after I killed them. Something blinked up when I opened my stats. I smiled.

I can put skill points towards my skills. So, when I level up all my stats increase. I can't put some points towards my magic level points. Therefore, I put my pints into sped and strength. This would be a good investigation.

I waked deeper into the dungeon and found a staircase who leads into a dark unknown. "No not yet" I mumbled. This will be the boss room, but I'm not ready yet. I am just too weak.

Therefore, I looked out for some new monsters. This dungeon was full of these tigers. Every time I killed one of them the next one was easier to kill. But one problem came by this progress.

I leveled up slower and slower. First, I had to kill 2 or 3 to get a level up, then around 10 and now even more. My sword is almost broken. If I wouldn't kill a few more tigers it may broke. I looked at my level.

"Level 17" I used my last stats points. I looked at my sword. Some cracks were in it. I bite my lip in frustration. I have to go now. If I won't I'll go into a fight without a sword, which would be a 100% death scenario.

Therefore, I went to the staircase again to face this monster. I wasn't that enthusiastic, because I know that this thing is on another level then these fluffy cats. But I knew I am stronger than I was before I ran into this system.

When I reached the bottom of this staircase, I saw in the corner of this room a dark creature. Its torso moved up and down. It breathed quietly. Is it asleep? I guess so. But was it? A tiger, another monster?

I walked towards it. My plan was to stab it in its sleep. Not my most moralistic best moment, but I want to survive and don't have a fair fight for both of us. I may be sneaky, but I'll be alive.

However, I might have done something incredibly wrong. I made noises, loud noises. I made one these cartoon cliché noses.

I stepped onto a thin bone and cracked it apart. The creature who laid around 20 meters away, moved and oh my gosh this wouldn't end good.

It was a giant, tremendous wolf stood right before me. He was 5, no 6 meters tall. It was terrifying. Above him was his name. 'Alpha wolf' I shivered a bit but caught my grad quickly. My life was on the line. I can't hesitate now.

I dodged him when he started running towards me. This thing was incredibly fast. But he wasn't very clever, because he had so much speed but missed me, he collapsed with the walls.

A giant fracture arose in the wall and it felt if the earth was shattering. I almost fell, but I caught me easily and ran towards this giant wolf who wasn't very pleased that he ran into a wall. The wolf growled and stood up again, but before he even could stand again, I hit it with my sword.

With a high ringing it broke. It clanked so loud and high that it ringed in my ears repeatedly. The dismantled part of the sword felt in slow motion onto the ground.

It was the worst timing possible to have a broken sword. I was wrecked. I don't know how but it broke. Maybe its fluffy fur wasn't as soft as I expected.

I looked from my sword up towards this giant wolf who was ready to kill me. With one swing of his tail, he struck me away. He was so strong that I crashed into the wall on the other side in the room.

My head was hit hard. I felt blood running down my neck. The wolf looked towards me. Was that it? This is how I'll die. I moved my head in an inclined position. I closed my eyes. This is it.

Then in my inner eye I saw him again. His bright, beautiful smile lighted everything black. He is calling my name with joy. His bright eyes lighted in the sun in a warm brown.

If I would just be greater, better, worthier, maybe I could stand next to him. If I just get stronger, I might be his friend again, if he even wants to be my friend. I don't want anything more. Just being with him.

I opened my eyes again and saw this huge wolf running towards me. I looked at my stats and saw that my health bar was almost empty. My fatigue was almost full. 91%. I was exhausted.

Therefore, my speed will be slow as hell. Even if I want to, I couldn't dodge the wolfs attack. I whispered in pain and out of power. "Daily quest, except the gift"

All my fatigue vanished; my health bar was filled fully again. My wounds healed.

This morning I did my daily quest and I decided to use its gift not immediately after my training. I noticed that you could take it at any time of the day. Therefore, I could use it right now.

I used my opportunity to ran away, dodge this attack and the wolf ran, face first, into the wall. It cracked even more. I puffed but I lived. I must kill it!

I jumped onto his back, climbing onto it to. The wolf walked backwards while shaking to get me off him. But I managed to stay on it, scrambling onto his neck.

With all my strengths I wrapped my hands around his throat tighten it to take its breath. I want to choke it to death.

It was a long, stressful plan, but my only choice. All his time left, the wolf shacked around, trying to shake me of. But after some time, he god slower and slower until... He fell onto his side.

I killed it. I killed a monster on my own.

I was out of breath and stepped away from this giant wolf. A few messages appeared.

'Level up'

'Quest: [Defeat the dungeons Boss] finished'

'Title obtained. [Killer of the alpha] Damage towards beast monsters will be 40% more effective'

'Weapon obtained: [Alpha Wolf teeth dagger]'

I looked at the new weapon. Its blade was made of its one grey canine. Its grip was a wood grip shrouded by leather and it had violet embellishments onto it. It had even a violet stone, an amethyst. Its damage was 5 times stronger than the swordswoman's sword. 50 Attack points.

Then a last message box appeared. 'Teleport out of this dungeon in 20 seconds'

I smirked. This was an interesting adventure. 


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