Chapter 3

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Warning! Extreme violence, death and more.

Chapter 3: The revolution

The Boss room was weird. We expected a large monster maybe a giant Lizard, however the room was totally empty. Except a giant altar in the middle of the round room. In the back of the altar was a stone tablet with writing something onto it.

"What the hell?"

"Where is the boss?"

"Maybe a riddle boss?"

"But they are only in A and S Rank Dungeons- "

While the others asked each other's what is happening, I looked in confusion to the brit. Of course, he didn't know what this thing is up to. It's his first boss room after all. I never seen such thing either. The group was loud and discussed the situation. I went further towards the stone tablet. "Wait-"Tubbo said and followed me.

"There is something off" "I know" I replied. "We should go back to the others, what when a sneak attack will happen?" "The room is fully empty where the hell would something come from?" The brit stayed quiet and followed me to the altar. I mumbled what is written on the stone tablet.

" 'The Revolution will never be stopped. If someone is again against it should stand up. The guillotine would cut their head up in just in a few second. Everyone who say something against the Revolution will be cut their head of as well.' ", This was the first paragraph.

What the hell? The French revolution? Why should there be something like that in a dungeon. In a boss room. I was confused. "Someone said it's a riddle dungeon- maybe-" said Tubbo. I opened my eyes in shock.

"Everyone! Stop talking and knee down!" I shouted while pushing Tubbo towards the ground. I didn't expect that the others would do like I said since I am a E Rank. Maybe because of my feared voice they did it? I don't know.

Right after I said it, the door closed immediately, and circular saw blades came out of the walls. They flew from one side to another and disappeared again in the other wall. Cutting everything off what was in their way. They were located on the height of average people's throat. Some of the hunters were just to slow and got their head cut off. They just felt like heavy flour sacks. Nothing alive anymore, just dead body.

I held Tubbos eyes shut, therefore he couldn't see this ugly, scary scene. I don't even want to describe it. There was blood everywhere. The heads with this expression of shock and fear rolled onto the ground.

One looking right towards me. The eyes were lifeless and looked right through my soul. It was the swordswoman who saved my life at the beginning of this dungeon. I almost screamed. I felt guilty. I couldn't save her life like she did. These Eyes looked at me like, why didn't you save me? My brain stopped working for a second. I felt like throwing up.

Some hunters cried and screamed. They weren't ready for this. Their teammates and friends laid there dead. Tubbo wanted to say something, but I stopped him by putting my hand over his mouth as well.

The stone tablet also said, don't speak. What if something will happen as well? I can't risk it talking to them or my head will roll as well. Some stayed quiet just like I order them to be while I shouted only seconds ago. They were clever enough to understand, maybe something like a second wave is coming.

Tubbo, whose back is the only thing I can see of him because of my position leaning right above him, shivered. He trusted me, but he only can hear right now, and that is this painful screaming. He is scared, but I will promise you, even if you can't hear my thoughts. I will bring you out here alive.

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