Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Gate

"Honey don't forget your food", my mother told me when I left the kitchen. I smiled at her apologetic and took the paper bag. "Sorry mom, you know I am forgetful." I kissed her cheek to say goodbye and left. My sister was right next to me.

Her backpack seemed heavy. She learns extremely hard to become a doctor and feed our family, what I and mom are currently doing. My mother is a shop assistant and works a lot. To help her out I go into the dungeons since I was 18.

Lis is so smart and wants that I quit my job as a hunter. She really hates the idea that I may never come back "Be careful" she said seriously. "You know I am"

I smiled but she didn't. "No, you aren't. You always come back with injuries!" I looked away guilty and she continues. "Mom and I need you" I signed. "I won't die" Lis didn't respond, "Just be careful" "I will be"

When I left her at her college I went straight to the next dungeon. I am not an idiot so I would never enter a C or higher dungeons. I don't want to die right when I enter the dungeon, I am not that stupid.

When I got near the next dungeon I put on my mask. It is made by me and therefore looks very ugly. I am not really a good artist, but I am not good at anything, so I don't really care. It is just a round white mask with a smiley face. I am not highly creative, I know. 

It isn't a hunter's thing to cover your face. Indeed, I am the only person in this district who does this. I just feel unwell if I go there without my mask. I want my identity to be a secret.

E Ranks are often laughed at, so when I go to a dungeon, I use this mask, so they won't tease me outside of a dungeon.

Only a few minutes later I was near a few hunters who stand in front of the gate, waiting for some more hunters. They all knew me. This weird kid who wears a mask and is as weak as a bunny. They laughed at me, I tried to ignore them.

"The weakling is back. He never killed a monster by his own hand"

"I think he is even for a E Rank weak"

"Really? Then why is he here?"

"Maybe because he is stubborn?"

They laughed at me, I was used to this, but it still remembered myself where I belong. Never besides him. Yesterday I saw him in the news. He saved 10 people. He always shines so bright it almost blinds me. When did I met him the last time? I think the day they measured my power. I said I never want to see him ever again-

This was 3 years ago. I guess he totally forgot me anyways, so it doesn't make a different to think about it. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even noticed the little child in front of me and bumped right into him. He fell right back onto the ground.

"Oh, I am sorry" I apologized with a guilty smile. "I didn't pay attention." He looked up to me sitting on the ground. I gave him my hand to help him get up on his feet again. The small boy was maybe 16 years old and had fluffy brown hair and light brown eyes. He reminded me of him. 

"No, I-I a-am sorry" he looked down onto hie feet. "T-This is my first d-day at a dungeon" His British accent was kind of unexpected here in the US, so I was stunned for a moment. "No, No is okay. I am Dream." I smiled under my mask. The kid looked irritated. "Dream?"

"Yeah, he calls himself Dream. Maybe because he dreams to come out of a dungeon alive" these old men laughed at me. I stayed silence and wanted to pass this kid. "I-I am Tubbo- "he smiled shyly.

Tubbo was a very coy person, am I scary for him? I am a bit tall. Maybe I look intimidating. I stopped my movement and looked to him. He is not well equipped, but better then I am. He has a robe and a rod. Maybe a magician or healer. I would say D Rank or E Rank, but I can't be sure because he said it's his first rate.

Therefore, I straight up just asked him. "What rank are you?" "D-D Rank-"I sighed. I turned my back towards him and went away. "You should go home or to a E Rank dungeon. Your first Raid shouldn't be a D Dungeon."

"Said by a E Rank Hunter" these old men laughed at me. I bite my lips and stopped my movement. "You don't have to listen to me, but if you die, don't blame me"

Tubbo stayed silence. Only the laugh of these old men was heard. Tubbo put all his courage together. "I know I am not very strong", he mumbled "but I want to go into the dungeon" I nodded and turned towards him. "Okay"

Before the hunt started Tubbo and I talked a bit. As I expected he is very shy. He explained that he is the oldest of his brothers and must make some money. His story is kind of the same as mine, but I stayed silence. I am not a chatty person. I never was and will never be.

Then the leader finally appeared. The raid will start. "Where is your weapon?" the brit asked me. I smiled sadly. "I don't have one" His face looked surprised and worried at the same time. Tubbo may think I am stupid and maybe I am.

I don't have a lot of money so I never bought one, all of my money goes towards my family, but even if I had the money it wouldn't buy some. It just will be thrown out money.

The problem E Ranks have, that the weapons they use break more easily than other weapons. We can't use them properly, so if I used it only a few times they will break. I tried it once when I found a good weapon. I found it in the dungeon, used it there only a few times and went out of the dungeon with nothing.

Tubbos mouth opened to ask me the question, why I don't have any weapons but were interrupted by the leader. "The raid will start now! Everyone lines up now. I count 21 people. Let's go!" He entered the dungeon. At his armor and his weapon, I assume he is an C Rank. Others, mostly D Ranks, went trough as well.

Tubbo next to me shake of fear. "You don't have to do this, Tubbo" I said with a soft voice. He looked up towards me. He smiled with anxiety. "N-No, I can do it" I didn't complain so I just looked towards this blueish gate. "Okay. Let's go"

The dungeons appear almost everywhere. Now we are at a construction side. The building may will be a skyscraper. At the ground is the gate. Gates are mostly blue, even the S Rank dungeons.

But there are other colors too and their meanings are totally different. Blue one's you can leave at any time, even if you don't kill the boss. But you have to come back and kill it. If you don't, they will come into our world and kill us.

The gate towards the dungeons always look like a giant portal and felt mysterious. It is kind of scary.

I went through the gate with Tubbo, but what he didn't know was; I never entered a D Rank dungeon in my entire life; therefore, I was just as scared as he was. 

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