⋆⋅ thirteen ⋅⋆

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╔═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╗

Chapter 13

╚═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╝

"it is I, the holy spirit" Quackity held up his hands and graciously walked over to the table.

The chat was overjoyed with the many surprises, the lag was unbearable.

Sallyjones: MR QUACK???



"I say, before we devour this pleasant meal, I say grace" Quackity said smiling at the camera.

"Alex, may you lead" I asked giving the same smirk.

"yes" he pause for a second before rapidly starting,

"CreoenDios,Padretodopoderoso,creadordelCieloydelaTierraCreoenJesucristosuúnicoHijo,NuestroSeńor,quefueconcebidoporobraygraciadelEspírituSanto;naciódeSantaMaríaVirgen;padecióbajoelpoderdePoncioPilato;fuecrucificado,muertoysepultado;descendióa losinfiernos;altercerdíaresucitódeentrelosmuertos;subióaloscielosyestáaladiestradeDios Padre;desdeallíhadevenirajuzgaralosvivosyalosmuertos.CreoenelEspírituSanto,enlaSantaIglesiaCatólica,lacomumióndelosSantosenelperdondelospecadoslaresurreccióndelosmuertosylavidaeterna.Amén" He smiled, slightly out of breath.

We stared at him with a mix of disbelief and snickering on our faces, the thing that broke the quick silence was Wilbur hitting the table and snorting. With that, everyone was almost out of their chairs with laughter again.

"le—lets—eat" Wilbur said in between laughs.

We ate the delicious food for about 2 hours, before almost the entirety of it was gone. When I looked over upon my friends, I noticed how much i loved these people. The thought bounced around my head for several moments.

"hey thanks Niki" I quiet enough so I couldn't interrupt the conversation going on between the boys.

"oh its no big deal ollie! I really love cooking—"

"no thank you for introducing me to all these people, I don't know where'd I be without you guys." I grasped her hands, and I feared tears were going to prick up in my eyes, but I didn't want the stream to see, so I held them back.

"of course ollie, it's nice to finally have another girl in the mix. Don't get me wrong I love the boys, but it's nice to have a break." We giggled and listened into the argument between Quackity and Tommy going on about whether peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are good or not.

"well I think they are a disgrace to the planet earth" Tommy fired.

"THEY ARE DELISH I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN TOMATHY" Quackity emphasized a British accent on the last part.

"I'm sorry tommy but I'm gonna have to agree with bug q on this one" Tubbo piped in. Tommy gasped,

"top ten worst anime betrayals?" I questioned.

"Rule number three, No Weebs. Under the penalty of DEATH. IM LOOKING AT YOU PHIL" Wilbur pointed at the camera.

"IM NOT A WEEB WILBA" I jerked my head to the side.

"ITS STILL PENALTY OF DEATH" he spit back. I glanced at the monitor,


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