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I waltzed through the doors to the hotel Cortez as if I owned the place. Only because I knew it would piss that bitch Iris off.
I glanced in her direction, smirking before flashing my most dazzling smile at Ms Liz Taylor.

"Good evening ladies" I gave my best cheshire grin. "Is my usual room open?"

"What? No escort tonight?" Iris sneered. It only made the corners of my lips twitch impossibly more upward.

"Very funny." I narrowed my eyes and looked the frumpy, sad woman right between her own. "I'm not doing that anymore. The last time was enough of a problem. I'm not going through that again. From now on sex is for fun, when I want it. Not for profit."

I kept my voice calm, making sure to hit every consonant a little harder than usual so she'd get the message.

No one, was stopping me from ending the bitch. Right then and there. With the exception of myself. She needed to stand down.

Liz smiled warmly and raised her arms in celebration. "You're free"
She laughed and wrapped me into a quick hug, which I pulled out of as fast as possible.

"Come to the bar tonight. There's someone I think you need to meet. You'll probably hate it. It'll be a party" Liz smiled and I just couldn't say no. She was the only person in the world I sort of didn't hate.

"Okay I will" I grinned and started to walk away.

"Oh! And-" Liz called after me. "Wear something sexy"


I stared at myself in the mirror. I'd gone for a more natural look tonight. My eyes popped due to some brown eyeliner and mascara. I wore my hair down and curly and slipped on a soft velvet, little black dress that barely went down a third of my thigh. Liz wanted sexy. That's what she'd get. I slipped on my heels and applied some classic cherry Chapstick, before walking out of my hotel room and finding my way to the bar.

"Goddamn! I know I said dress sexy but holy shit you've outdone yourself." Liz poured me a drink and winked.

"Thank you Ms Taylor" I winked back with a smirk when a blonde across the bar caught my eye. "Who's that?"

"She's trouble" Liz raised a semi disapproving eyebrow at me. "Be careful with her. I would think through whether or not to get involved. If you break her heart, someone here will literally kill you. Could be me, could be her."

I grinned over at Liz but the second I saw her face my smile dropped. She was serious.

"Alright. I'll bite." I crossed my legs and glanced back at the blonde in question. "What's her story?"

"She's dead, lonely. She needs someone to help her feel alive again"

"Well THAT I can do" I smirked.

"I think you could do some good for each other. But I know for a fact you're going to hate her guts." Liz sighed and glanced between me and the messy woman.

"Hate sex is fun" I grinned and Liz scoffed, hitting me with the back of her hand.

"This is more than sex. She needs healing. You do too. You could be friends. Or..." Liz trailed off and I couldn't help but scoff. She knew exactly how I felt about love.

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