Someone you like

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Soooo this is sorta a request.

honeypaulson asked for an Ellie x reader and I couldn't not do it😁

Also I agree. Ellie is super under rated🧡🧡


I saw you
With that ribbon in your hair
Think that I began to stare
Maybe I'll love you for a while

I settled into my usual place in the small coffee shop below my apartment and pulled out a book setting it down gently and looking around the room. I tugged at the ribbon holding my hair back, waiting for the hostess to greet me and ask me about my plans for the day. We had a cute little routine in this place. I would come in and read for a bit while having my morning coffee, and the woman who sat in the opposite corner of the room and I would try to pretend we weren't watching each other.

A stranger at a table in a place
And a really pretty face
I wonder what happens when you smile

She was gorgeous. Completely out of my league, but we always seemed to catch each other's attention.
She grinned at me from across the room and butterflies erupted in my stomach as a deep blush spread across my face.
That smile- damn. Her deep brown eyes sparkled as she moved a strand of red hair out of her face.

I might never be your hero
Never been one to fight
That don't mean that I can't be your Valentine

"Y/n!" The cafe owner smiled sweetly at me, pulling my attention away from the other woman.

"Anne! Happy Valentine's day." I bit my lip as I offered up a small red card. "I know it isn't much but I still wanted to get you something."

"Aww you're a sweetheart. Did you bring something for your admirer over there?" Anne glanced towards the woman and my face flushed red.

"Anne!" I laughed a little too loudly "I don't even know her name"

"Well she knows yours!" Anne chuckled and I gave her a look. "She had the sense to ask me the first time you caught her eye."

Anne rolled her eyes and walked away before I had a chance to say anything else.

I won't be your savior either
Couldn't even if I tried
But I think I could be someone you like
Someone you like

I gathered my things and nervously pushed myself up, walking to the table where the mystery woman sat.
Her eyes remained on me the entire time I walked. When I finally reached her I was a jumbled ball of nerves.

"Hi." I smiled softly and sat in the seat across from her. "I can't keep up this staring at each other thing until I know your name. Referring to you as gorgeous mystery woman is getting a little boring."

The woman smiled at me and extended a perfect slim hand.

"I'm Ellie. Ellie Staple, and I was wondering how long it would take you to grow a pair" She giggled softly and I felt my heart explode.

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