Hungover Finale

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I'm so fricken sorry I haven't updated- I've been feeling super unmotivated and really insecure about my writing. I've been trying desperately to find motivation and inspiration to write. I'm still pretty unmotivated but I figured I should at least finish this miniseries and maybe I'll feel a bit better.💕💕

So the Finale is finally here. Umm.. I'm sorry in advance.😶

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I laid a white rose on the casket. It was raining, but not in a gloomy sort of way. It was the kind of rain that cleared the air and made everything seem fresh and new. There was a double rainbow that appeared in the sky every time the sun peeked out from between the clouds.

Cordelia would've loved this.

It was the perfect day for her funeral. It wasn't dark and grim, but full of light and life. It was too good to be true. Just like Cordelia.

I let out a soft sob as I watched the burial procession with Misty and Mallory on either side of me.

It was funny in a way- how we were all helping each other. We spent so long keeping our distances, because we all had our own feelings for Cordelia. But I don't think I would've survived the last month without them.

I quit my job at Kinero Robotics- I didn't see Wilhelmina again after that night when we said goodbye. I'm sure it must've hurt, hearing that I left without telling her. I felt a little guilty at first but Misty wouldn't let me dwell on that.

Mallory helped me get set up as a teacher at the academy- but when Cordelia asked me to take over as headmistress I couldn't say no. It's definitely going to be difficult, but with Mallory and Misty helping I think we can do it. Together.


"Y/n?.. Y/N!!" Mallory snapped me out of my thoughts with a wave of her hand. "Are you alright? You've been staring at the wall for an hour. I know you're sad but we need to get everything finished before the girls start moving in.

I smiled at Mallory's concerned face and shook my head softly.

"I'm fine Mal- it's just something Delia said to be before-" I cut myself off- we shared a look and Mallory sighed.

"She wants you to be happy. Plus- she actually didn't mind Ms Venable. She was glad you had someone else to take care of you. Especially since she was--" Mallory and I had a silent agreement to avoid verbally acknowledging Delia's death. We were all taking it rather terribly, but Misty was an absolute mess. "Look the point is- none of us are going to be upset if you go to her. Least of all Misty and I- You don't have to worry."

"I just don't think I can forget how she manipulated everything. I mean how can I trust her again?" I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"She did the right thing in the end. She obviously loves you. She would take care of you. And if we're honest you need her just as much as she needs you." Mallory smiled kindly and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Forgiveness takes time, and so does trust- but it's going to take you longer to get over her, and without you she's not going to be the greatest person. -- Trust me. I've seen it."

"What do you mean you've seen it?" I raised and eyebrow and Mallory's eyes widened.

"I-i- uhh forget that- please. The point is that you need to go get her. For all our sakes."

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