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A/n: this is a request for laxsont
I am SO SORRY it took so long! I hope you like it!!

"So you're saying you've never had a birthday party?!" Coco's mouth dropped open as I nodded and Madison chuckled.
"That's sad, even for you bookworm" Madison smirked

"I've just never really thought about it. No one cared about it much so why should I?" I smiled sadly and sunk into my chair as Coco slammed her hands down on the dining room table, causing Mallory and I to flinch.

"This is an outrage! I can't believe it! I mean we all knew your family sucked from what little you've talked about but this-" Coco fumed in rich girl fury "This is a new level of suck!"

At that I immediately started laughing, but my giggles were cut off by my breath catching in my throat as Cordelia came into the dining room with Zoe.
She looked gorgeous- she always looked amazing.
A small smile played at the corners of her mouth as she looked around the room at us all, eyes twinkling in the low light.

"What's all the commotion about?" Cordelia laughed and Coco huffed, crossing her arms.

"Y/n has never celebrated her birthday before." Coco pouted.

As soon as the words left Coco's mouth, Cordelia was looking at me with a sad, confused expression.

"Never?" Cordelia questioned and I shook my head

"'fraid not" I shrugged and stood from my seat "I don't see why it's such a big deal. It's just another year passing by the only thing that really changes is the number I tell people when they ask how old I am."

I made my way out of the room feeling anxious, I could feel them all staring at me as I left. As if they didn't already think I was weird enough.


"Alright, witches. I have a plan." Madison glanced around the room and leaned forward on the table, looking serious. "We're throwing the ultimate party for Y/n "


I dragged myself out of bed the morning of my birthday with a sad smile on my face. Here I was, surrounded by people who seemed to actually care about me, but I already knew we wouldn't be celebrating anything.

That's just how it goes. That's how it's always gone. When you're a dreamer raised by a family of pessimists you learn to be realistic, you learn to not let yourself be disappointed.

I slipped on some leggings and my favorite hoodie before popping my earbuds in and starting my music LOUD. Every morning I went on a walk to enjoy the early air. Then I stop back at home, then I head to work.

My job wasn't a bad one, but it wasn't easy. I always had to remind myself why I even keep going most nights, but I still love it.

I sighed as I thought about what I would be doing after I got home. I'd probably read a book or two by the fireplace, eat a midnight snack, check on Ms Cordelia, and say goodnight. Then I'd go to bed and start the cycle all over again.

As I said before, the only thing that changes on my birthday is my age.


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