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Request: Cordelia, venable and reader..... whatevers good

A/N I'm SO sorry this took so long!! I hope you like it!!🧡🧡

You closed your eyes as tight as you possibly could as you braced yourself against the wall and waited for the room to stop spinning.
You were definitely sick. There was no denying it, but you couldn't call into work. Everyone was counting on you being there and there was no way you were going to disappoint them.
You sighed and forced your eyes open as you continued walking down the hall. You weren't even sure how you'd gotten to the office building. You were in no state to drive. Maybe you took the bus? You couldn't remember.
Cordelia had begged you to stay home but you wouldn't hear it. You had work to do and you were going to get it done even if it killed you. You were sure if Mina knew you were ill, you wouldn't have been able to get out of bed. She wouldn't have let you, but Mina stayed the night in her office, making her unaware of the state you were in.
Until you stumbled into your office, dropped your bags and ran to to the restrooms.
Kneeling by the toilet and shivering. You tried to find your will to get up. Having just vomited your guts out. You didn't want to move, you weren't sure if you could. You let out a soft groan as you leaned against the wall of the bathroom stall.
After a few minutes of silence, you winced as your phone started ringing. You couldn't reach your back pocket the way you were sitting so you just let it ring before pushing yourself off the ground. You tried to steady yourself only to immediately fall to the ground with a grunt. Moments later your phone began to ring again.

"H-hello?" You answered with a quivering voice.

"Where the hell are you?" The voice of the one and only Wilhelmina Venable rang clearly through the speaker causing you to groan softly. "Delia called me worried that you passed out on your way to work. Why didn't you answer when she called? What the hell y/n?!?"

"S-sorry, I'm sorry" you mumbled into the receiver as you slowly began losing consciousness.

"Y/n? Are you alright? Y/n where are you?" Mina's voice softened as panic rose in her tone.

"I'm.." darkness crept into your peripheral vision as you closed your eyes. "Bathroom" you mumbled and everything faded to black.


You heard shuffling around you and hushed whispers as you slowly became aware of your surroundings.
You were laying on something soft, blankets were bunched around you and you weren't wearing your work clothes.
You kept your eyes shut as you heard footsteps approaching.

"Oh poor baby" Mina pouted as she moved some stray hairs out of your face. "She looks absolutely exhausted"

"I should've tried harder to keep her at home." Cordelia but her lip and moved around to sit on the other side of you, beginning to trace small circles on your arms.

"Don't go blaming yourself." Wilhelmina leaned over placing a gentle kiss to Cordelia's head. "She's stubborn as hell. Once she decided she was going to go. There would've been no stopping her."

"You're right." Cordelia sighed and looked down at you with a soft smile. "She's so cute when she's sleeping"

"She is isn't she? She's cute all the time" Wilhelmina smiled and caressed your cheek. "Our sweet girl"
"No you" you groaned softly stretching gently and curling into Cordelia's side. Causing the women above you to chuckle.

"How're you feeling dear?" Mina whispered and gently pressed the back of her hand to your forehead.

"Like shit" You groaned and forced yourself to sit up. "My head hurts, and I feel nauseated." You whined and leaned your head on Wilhelmina's shoulder.
Suddenly overtaken by a wave of nausea you threw yourself out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. Before you could do anything else you got dizzy and fell to the floor.

"Oh baby" Cordelia rushed to you and helped you get up. "Baby just relax." She cooed as she helped you back to the bed. You whimpered softly and curled into Mina's lap. Cordelia tucked you into the bed before crawling in behind you and running her fingers through your hair.

"I hate being sick" you sighed and cuddled closer to the woman behind you.

"It's alright love, we're right here to take care of you." Mina hummed and gently pressed a kiss to your hand.

"I love you" you smiled, slowly dozing off to sleep.

"We love you too" Cordelia whispered, wrapping her arms around your waist.

You smiled softly as you fell asleep, feeling safe and loved with your two girlfriends.

A/N allllrighty so I was trying *really* hard to find something that hadn't been done before to write this one. My friend gave me this idea and I got super excited and wrote it. After reading it over a few times I realized that I remember reading something like this, but I genuinely don't remember where. So if you could point me in that direction I'd really like to give whoever did this idea first the proper recognition.
Thank you🧡🧡


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