Angel pt 2

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Dear Diary,                                              
I've been seeing Tammy for a few weeks now, and to say it's going well would be a tremendous understatement.

It's perfect.

Tammy genuinely is an Angel. I know it hasn't been long but I think I might be in love with her. I'm not totally sure as I've never really been in love before, but I just can't describe my feelings for her.
Not only is she the most amazing woman, but she has the sweetest kids. I adore them. They seem to like me too. I bring them random gifts from time to time, which they seem to love.
Tammy is an incredible mother. I've never seen someone so loving and careful around their children.

There's just one problem.
Tammy is hiding something from me. Everyone is.
At first I thought I was just being paranoid, but things just didn't add up. Debbie and Lou are always sneaking off when we get together. At first I thought they were running of to fuck or something, but then I started noticing things..

Debbie and Lou would disappear, then like clockwork someone else would go to the "bathroom" then come back and five minutes later the next person would go.
When Tammy would spend the night I would hear her on the phone late at night. I thought maybe she was cheating on me but then I started overhearing parts of the conversation.
She was talking to Debbie, or Constance about some diamonds or a new exhibit.

I mean who talks about a museum at three in the morning, and tries to hide it from their girlfriend??

Someone with a secret.

Coincidentally enough I'm working on a new case, there's a group pulling off minor heists in the city. It's starting to look like it's the same group that pulled the heist at the Met Gala a year ago.

But like I said, Tammy's an angel. She wouldn't do that.

My sister however, is exactly the person I would expect to follow in my brother's footprints.


I quickly closer my Diary and shoved it under my mattress as I heard a knock on my door.
I ran to he door and opened it with a smile expecting to see Tammy.

My smile dropped when I was greeted with Debby, Lou, Rose, Nine Ball, Constance, Amita and Daphne.
The whole gang, minus my beloved girlfriend.

"Uuhhh hi guys, what's wrong?" They all seemed nervous as I spoke. "Come in"

I moved to the side and everyone slowly shuffled in, mumbling small Hello's and hi's.

"Care to explain what's going on? Where's Tammy?" I sat across from the group that was now huddled on my couch. My voice was shaking and my face displaying my obvious worry.

"Look, y/n. There's not an easy way to say, or explain this." Debbie started, avoiding eye contact.

"Whatever you're about to say, stop" I cut in. "You always look me in the eyes, even when something bad happened. The last time you wouldn't look at me was when Danny died."

The group all collectively got quieter and dread filled my chest. Debbie looked up wide eyed.

"No no no! Tammy isn't dead it's just-" Debbie cut herself off and covered her face with a sigh. "She's been arrested"

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