Hungover pt 2

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Y'all voted Minaaaa so um. I'm sorry cause I may or may not make you quenchion it all😳

I sighed as I declined yet another call from Delia. Today was my dinner date with Mina and I wasn't going to let anything ruin my mindset.

Mina and I have been flirting and talking for weeks now. I think I'm finally ready to take things a step further.

I looked over my appearance for the thousandth time that evening as I waited for Mina to come pick me up.
I was wearing a short dark purple dress with long sleeves and some cute strappy black platform sandals.

I heard a knock on the door and I practically flew through my apartment to open it. I smiled widely as I opened the door my eyes met her brown ones and my eyes widened, scanning her appearance.

"Hi- d-Delia?" I frowned in confusion at the blonde in front of me. She looked, different. She was missing that glow she always had. Her skin was paler, her hair less shiney, her eyes were missing their usual sparkle. "Delia what's wrong?"

Screw being angry, something was happening that was obviously more important than a stupid grudge.

"I- I just need to speak with you, for a moment" Cordelia paused between words taking shallow breaths. "P-please"

Was she having a panic attack?
That's what it seemed like at least. She was shaking and breathing unsteadily.

"Y-yeah let's get you sitting down" I helped Cordelia to my couch and sent Mina a message.

Y/n😊🌻: Hey Mina, Cordelia showed up at my apartment. She's not looking good. I'm a bit worried I'll have to take her to the hospital. I'll let you know when I know more.😘

Mina😳💜: Alright sweetheart. Keep me updated? Are we still on for dinner?💜

Y/n😊🌻: We definitely are.❤️ I can't wait.😁


smiled softly at my phone and set it down before getting a glass of water for Delia.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now? You look like you're going to faint." I sat next to her with worry all over my face.

"I- i-m" Cordelia closed her eyes and I felt my stomach drop. I knew exactly what she was going to stay.

"So who is it?" I gently placed a hand over Delia's shaking one, trying to comfort the woman I used to love.

"It's Mallory" With that Cordelia smiled. She was so good. Always supportive and proud of her girls. Of course she would be happy that Mallory was coming into power.

Even if that meant she would have to die.

"Look, y/n. I'm fading, we both know that." Cordelia's eyes welled up with tears and her lip quivered, the sight of one of the strongest women I know being so vulnerable broke my heart. "But I can't die knowing you hate me, so I need to tell you what really happened with Misty, and what happened at the bar."

My eyes widened and I gave Cordelia's hand a squeeze.
"I could never hate you Delia." I smiled softly, biting my lip. "But please, I need to know the truth."

"It was all a set up." Cordelia sighed and closed her eyes. "By Wilhelmina Venable"


A/n: Don't forget to vote in the comments!~
Also plot twist alert😅 even if it was probably predictable.

What do you guys think so far? Any suggestions?

Also, what is your favorite music artist? I'm curious.


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