Sober (hungover pt 3)

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Have you ever spent so long living your life in a blur that when you finally see clearly, nothing makes sense?

As I sat across from Mina in some way too fancy restaurant, trying to wrap my head around the story Delia had told me. It was like coming down from a high. Nothing made sense, nothing felt real, and everything hurt.

It's been three weeks since Delia told me about what really happened, but I couldn't help but keep seeing Mina.
Delia was getting sicker and weaker every day. It broke my heart. I visit her once or twice every day, much to Mina's dismay. I can't help it. I want to be there for her. I need to be there. The one time I don't see her could be the day she-

Anyway. Mina was chattering about some work thing and I tried to listen but I couldn't keep my mind from wandering. For such a dominant woman she was surprisingly gentle. It's hard to believe that the same woman who tucked me into bed while I was drunk and made me breakfast the next morning on several occasions, would also blackmail Cordelia and use Misty's trusting nature to her advantage.

I wished I could deny it, but I saw the proof. The same night Delia explained everything, she also proved to me that Ms Venable was indeed manipulating my life to her advantage.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Mina's worried voice. As the world came into focus again my eyes met her brown ones and I smiled softly at her. "You've been staring off for twenty minutes. What's wrong Dear?"

"Mina.." my voice trailed off as I began to overthink what I was about to say. "I-"

I bit my lip and Mina lifted herself out of her seat to come slide her chair next to mine. She took my hand and placed a gently kiss to my head.

"You're worried about Ms Goode" Her tone was cold but not absent of it's gentle tone she always used with me. I nodded my head and held back the words I was really going to say. I couldn't bring myself to bring it up.

"She's dying" My voice cracked softly as tears flooded my eyes. "She could be gone any minute. And i--"

Mina pulled me into her arms and ran her fingers through my hair as I tried to stifle my sobs in her shirt.

"Oh sweetheart" Mina's voice shook and I pulled away to see her eyes tearing up as her expression contorted into one of uncertainty. "There's something.. you need to know"

I took Mina's hand and kissed the back of it gently before sighing softly.

"I think I already know" I whispered and Mina's eyes widened in shock. "Delia told me weeks ago."

"A-and you didn't leave?" My heart hurt seeing the redheaded woman looking so vulnerable and confused. "W-why didn't-"

"Because I didn't want to believe it." I bit my lip and stared down at the wine glasses in front of us. "I didn't want to think you would hurt me like that, just to gain my affection"

"I- I'm sorry, you should go to her. She still loves you." Mina looked so guilty, tears were running down her cheeks and her bottom lip quivered as she tried to hold back a quiet sob.
Never in my life did I think I would ever see Ms Wilhelmina Venable cry. Especially not in public.

My own tears threatened to spill as I took Mina's face in my hands and wiped her tears away. She looked so lost and vulnerable and I couldn't just leave her there.

"Let me take you home, okay?" I looked directly into Ms Venable's sad brown eyes as I waited for a response.
Seeing her nod ever so slightly in confirmation, I helped her up and led her back to the car.

We drove in silence. Not an awkward silence but not a comfortable silence either. Just silence. Mina rested her head on my shoulder the whole way back to her home.

We shuffled inside the large house and Mina got particularly quiet. I didn't think much of it, she was probably just tired. I walked her to her room and she sat on the bed. I got her some pajamas and helped her change before tucking her into the bed.

As I turned to leave Mina reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Is- is this goodbye? Are we over?" Her voice sounded defeated. I turned to face her teary eyes and smiled sadly.

"I don't know" I sighed and Mina nodded solemnly.

"Goodnight then Ms y/l/n"

"Goodnight Wilhelmina"

A/n: Not gonna lie, I broke my own heart a little writing this one.

Sorry it's been so freaking long since I last updated. I just got sad. There's really no other explanation.
I got sad and I lost all motivation.

My updated are gonna be a little more inconsistent than usual for a while. Some things have happened and I just need to take care of myself so I can heal. Both physically and emotionally unfortunately.

This might mean more updates or less depending on how everything goes.

Anywhozies, I fully plan to keep working this story for at least two more parts but now that things are getting more complicated I need you guys to vote for the ending. So let me know in the comments.

Your choices are:

-- Mina
-- Delia
-- Surprise Ending 1 (probably not what you think)

***Also keep in mind none of these are completely happy endings they're a little bit bittersweet and one of them is a bit more sad than the others***

Good luck 🧡🧡

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