Would you be so kind?

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A/n: Ahhh yes another song shot😅✌️
I was reallllyyy stuck between doing Tammy or Bette and Dot. It was a struggle. I eventually decided by quite literally flipping a coin. So this one is *drum roll please*
Bette and Dot x Reader!!!

I'll do another one with Tammy soon🧡

Also I have some questions for y'all at the end of this one.



I have a question
It might seem strange
How are your lungs?
Are they in pain?

You sighed softly as you wandered your home. It wasn't a place most people would want to be full time, but you loved it entirely.

The freakshow was a place where outcasts and freaks could be accepted for their oddities. It was home to many of the kindest and most interesting people you had ever met.

Despite the rumors and opinions of the town you had previously lived in, they were all truly real, human, people.

'Cause mine are aching
Think I know why
I kinda like it though
You wanna try?

You were indeed a freak, just like them although, It wasn't an easily noticed mutation you had. That's why you were able to live a particularly normal life until now.

You had several different... Talents. You could move your limbs in incredibly unnatural ways. You were obscenely flexible, and you were nearly impervious to harm.

You see, some people in the world were double jointed. Your joints went in any direction you wanted them to, as far as you wanted them to go.
On top of that your skin was impenetrable by almost anything.

Oh would you be
So kind
As to fall in love with me, you see
I'm trying

As you wandered absent-mindedly, you greeted fellow freaks and residents of the show. You smiled as you approached your tent to see Jimmy, and Maggie outside waiting for you.

They were the first two people you had met from the show. They introduced you to Elsa Mars and helped convince her to take you on.

"Hi guys!" You grinned as you approached. Maggie avoided eye contact and Jimmy gave you a tight lipped smile. You slowed down and studied the two if them. "What did you do?"

I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love

"Well" Jimmy paused and glanced at Maggie. "Promise you won't get mad?"

"Oh dear." You paused as Maggie slowly became increasingly nervous. You sighed, it couldn't be any worse than what Maggie had originally come to the freakshow for, and you had managed to not be too upset at her for that. "I guess. Now tell me"

"I might have maybe... Told Bette and Dot you're gay" Maggie blurted "I'm sorry I know you wanted to keep it a secret from the rest of the show for now but I couldn't hold it back."

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