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I felt fresh tears glide down my cheeks as I realized this wasn't a dream and I really was dead. I had been killed by the only woman I ever thought truly cared for me.
"Ellie please" Sally pleaded reaching for my hand. I pulled away quickly and backed away from her.
"Don't touch me" It came out harsher than I expected to be, but it worked. I watched the frizzy haired women recoil unable to hide the pain in her eyes. I looked down at my now vacant corpse willing myself back into the body and praying to whatever God would listen to me to let me be alive again. But there was no life returning into my glazed over blue/green eyes. If it was even possible I felt my heart break further as I stared at my old vessel. Laying pitifully in a heap with traces of blood trickling down my dry lips, a pool of it soaking my long, straight, strawberry blonde hair.
I don't know for sure what she was thinking before this, but arsenic is really an incredibly sick way to kill someone. Especially someone you care for.
"Ellie please" She cried, her tears coming down much faster than mine. That's what I loved about Sally she was always so sensitive. She was sympathetic and empathetic at all times. Even if she'd never even heard of what was troubling you before. It was like she went through it with you. She would cry and comfort you and give you advice as if she'd been through it herself. Behind her tough, edgy, druggy front. She was a true and genuinely good person. In another lifetime if she'd stayed away from drugs she could have been a counselor or therapist. But that woman was gone and now trapped in the hotel with a heroin fried consciousness. "I'm so sorry, I just-"
"Just what?" I interrupted quickly. "Just thought 'I like this bitch, she's a great fuck, I guess I'll just kill her and keep her around'" I was speaking fast, I didn't think about what I was saying to her, or the weight of the words that came out if my mouth. "Is that all I am now? Some eternal fuck buddy for when you strike out at the bar?"
"No!" She yelled with a sob and I instantly regretted my words seeing the already broken woman reduced to a helpless ball of agony. What she did was pretty unforgivable, but she was still the woman I loved and I hated to see her in so much pain especially when I was the cause. Even if she deserved it.
"I fucking love you Ellie" She cried softly between hiccups. "I love you, and I was scared when you said you were leaving. I thought you'd never come back and I lost control" She collapsed onto the bed and sobbed uncontrollably.
All I could do is stare at her in shock. She finally said it. Those three words I had wanted so desperately to hear. Obviously I loved her too, but I couldn't just forgive her and forget the whole murdering me thing over a simple eight letter phrase.
I sighed and walked out of her hotel room carelessly letting the door slam on my way out.
I was supposed to be leaving for a business trip to Canada, but I knew I wouldn't be making my flight. I frowned at the thought realizing with a new wave of tears that I was never getting out of here. I'd never see the world.

I made my way to the bar and began to feel a little lighter the second Liz greeted me.
"How's my favorite visitor?" She smiled and got me my usual iced water. I've been sober for six years. Not that it matters anymore.
"I'll be having something much, much stronger tonight." I sighed and rubbed my teary eyes.
"Trouble in paradise?" Liz looked at me with a concerned expression that I was not at all used to.
"You could say that." I sighed. Liz was probably my best friend here. She was always so sweet and sassy. She was there for me everytime Sally and I fought, ready with some ice water and a shoulder to cry on. If I was going to be here forever, she would definitely be the first person I told the big news. "The bitch killed me."
"Holy shit" Her mouth dropped in shock. "I've known that Sally can be a crazy bitch but honey I didn't think she would hurt you of all people."
I smiled bitterly and took a long drink of the whiskey Liz had set in front of me. It burned a lot more than I remembered, my throat burned harshly. I winced and wondered if I should keep drinking, fuck it, I thought. I was dead for God's sake and I was going to enjoy my drink even if it killed me, again.

After drinking my fill and letting Liz talk me down a bit I decided to go back to the room. I knocked gently, hoping Sally had gotten rid of my body. Trying to talk to her would be difficult enough without my corpse sitting in the corner to distract me.
"I'm not in the mood" Her voice called out coldly, but I could hear the despair hidden in her voice.
"Sally it's me.. " I said gently but loud enough so she could hear me.
I heard footsteps making their way to the door quickly then pausing just by the door. After a few moments she opened the door. She'd cried all her makeup off and still had traces of fresh tears on her cheeks.
"Are you here to yell at me again" She whispered softly and my chest ached as I looked into her wide tear stained eyes.
"No, " I stated softly. "I'm here to talk"
"Okay" She sniffed and stepped to the side to I could walk in.
"Is my, uhh.. Is it? " I paused in the doorway unsure of how to ask what was weighing so heavily on my mind.
She smiled sadly as she shook her head slowly before speaking.
"I took care of it" She stated softly before shifting awkwardly. "I didn't know what you wanted me to do so I just-"
"I don't want to know" I interrupted making her giggle softly.
"Okay" She closed and locked the door as I walked in and sat on the bed.
She hovered by the door visibly unsure of what to do.
"Why?" I asked simply and looked into her sad guilty eyes. I knew she felt bad, probably worse than me at this point.
"I was scared you wouldn't come back" She whispered looking around the room avoiding my gaze. "I was scared and didn't know how to get you to stay and I know it was a drastic move but I couldn't think alright."
"No it's not alright, But Sally I would always come back," I said it simply before continuing slowly. "I would never have left you. Not forever. Never forever."
"Even now? " She looked at me hopefully and held my gaze fear and sadness beginning to register in her deep brown eyes.
"Even now" I knew I should have walked away but if I was going to be stuck somewhere forever. I was glad it was here, with the people I cared for, especially Sally.
"Really?" Sally eyes finally let the tears welling up in them fall as she let out a sob.
"Really Sally." I stood and held on tight to her shaking form catching her as she collapsed into my arms in a mess of tears. "I might be angry with you and what you did was unforgivable under any other circumstance, but I love you and I forgive you."
She sobbed in silence for a minute before kissing me gently, her lips were soft against mine. I could taste the salt from her tears on them as I ran my tongue across her bottom lip quickly gaining access to her mouth before she pulled away slightly.
"I love you too" She whispered against my lips before crashing back into the kiss and slowly laying me back on the bed...

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