Trouble pt 3

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I woke up six hours later on the floor, the tears had long dried but the emotions were still deeply rooted in my chest.

My head hurt, my body hurt, my heart hurt.

I shouldn't have even been upset. In reality I was the one so dead set on pushing Sally away.
I was the one hurting her

I dragged myself across the room and stood up, looking in the mirror. I looked like shit.
I wasn't about to dress up to hide it, I was too tired for that. What's the point?

I pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching hoodie before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I wasn't even going to bother wiping the messy, streaked, makeup off my face. Why should I care? We were all messed up here. It should show.

I started my way out of my room, only to be stopped by none other than the Countess and Liz.

"Mmm-mm no, turn your ass back around. There's no way you can go out like that." Liz turned me around and pushed me to the closet followed by a smirking Countess.
They dragged me out of my clothes and sent me to shower while they found something 'suitable' for me to wear.
When I stepped out of the shower and changed Liz made herself busy with my makeup and The Countess began braiding back my hair.

"Wh-what exactly is going on?" I asked, slightly hesitant to hear the answer.

"Sally told me what happened hon," Liz sighed and gently began filling in my eyebrows. " Naturally I figured you would be upset and grabbed Elizabeth here to help get you ready to face the outside world again."

"I wasn't before?"


After sitting quietly watching our conversation the Countess chuckled softly.

"You can't let Sally know she's gotten to you. She'll never stop, but it'll be worse if she thinks it's working." The Countess finished my hair and moved to sit in front of me with her usual grace. "If you want her to leave you alone, you can't give her even a small semblance of hope. You're so adamant about pushing her away you can't let her think you have any emotions regarding her existence."

I slowly nodded my head. Did I really want Sally to leave alone? Did I want her to stop? Was I prepared to push her passed the point of no return?

"You don't actually want her to leave you alone, do you?" The Countess spoke up as if she could read my mind or something. "You care about her. In fact I'd go so far as to say you love her. You just don't want to get hurt again. You've been hurt before, betrayed by her. It feels like you have too much to lose."

I looked up at the two women in shock. Of course they knew me well, but I wasn't expecting that.

"So what do I do?" I sighed and laid back on the bed.

"Well honey, that's up to you" Liz smiled sympathetically before pulling me back up and off the bed. "Now, get dressed and head down to the bar. No if's and's or but's allowed. You're coming, like it or not."

"Give me tequila and some fireball whiskey and there'll be no problem with that." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow causing Liz to laugh.

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