Angel pt 3

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Dear Diary,                                                  
It's been two months since I've last seen Tammy. I miss her.
After I got her off the hook I needed some time to think.
The only person from the group I've seen at all since they told me anything is Lou.
She stops by to give me updates on how Debbie and everyone else is doing. She never mentions Tammy though.
I always want to ask but I can't find the nerve.
I wonder if she misses me. Or if she's moved on. She probably has. A woman like Tammy would have no problems finding someone else to date.

So Tammy might just turn out to be the one that got away. I can't help but wish I hadn't taken her to her house that night. I should've taken her to my apartment and talked to her. I would stay up for as long as it took to work things out if I hand the chance.
God, I miss her. I keep hoping I'll run into her at random and we'll lock eyes and everything will be okay. I need to find her and talk to her. I just have to.
Even if she doesn't want me anymore I need to see her. Even if she hates me with all her soul, Tammy will always be my Angel.

Lou told me Debbie hasn't stopped by because she thinks I hate her. I don't. I just needed to think.
I think I'll give her a call. I miss my big sister.
I miss everyone. I don't care that they're thieves. I want girls night back. How did everything get so wrong?


I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. Even though today was my day off, I like to keep busy, so I signed up to volunteer at a weekend daycare where working parents with full or just strange schedules can leave their kids for a while.

I walked into the gym we used and my mouth dropped.

"Derek? Keri?!" I grinned as Tammy's two kids Ran over to me, I wrapped my arms around them and squeezed them in a tight hug. "What are you two doing here?"

"Mama has to work a lot more so we go here when she can't take us to her special meetings." Derek explained in his small voice.

"Ohh! Well I'm glad I came in and got to see you today" I smiled wide

"Me too" Keri giggled and pulled a bear I'd given her out of her bag "Mr Gravy missed you too"

Tears welled in my eyes and I had to bite my lip to keep them down.

"Are you okay Y/n" Derek poked my cheek and I smiled sadly.

"Yeah, I've just missed you all" Derek and Keri gave me another hug.

"Mama misses you so much" Keri spoke softly "she cries at night when she thinks we're asleep."

Derek nodded and I sighed softly.

"I miss your Mom too. So, so much." I began when an idea struck me "When does she pick you up?"

"She'll be here soon. Why?" Derek asked curiously.

"Well. How about when she gets here, I take you all out for ice cream?" I grinned as the two kids excitedly nodded. "Okay it's settled then. Ice cream later. Go play now"

The two ran away and I walked to the front desk signing in and making sure it was alright that I left when Tammy came.

"It's totally fine Ms l/n, we're overstaffed today anyway." The receptionist smiled and I chuckled.

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