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"Meiii~" "Yaaaang?~" "How was schoool?~" "It was gooood~ Oh jesus, I can't keep this up

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"How was schoool?~"
"It was gooood~ Oh jesus, I can't keep this up. But yeah it wasn't as shit as I thought it was gonna be."
"Ooh, that's great, see I told you the school would be good."
She rolled her eyes and went upstairs to her room.

She was doing some homework and listening to music when there was a knock on her door.
"Come in~"
Her dad's head popped into view as he opened the door just a crack.

"Mei, could you please go to the post office to deliver this letter for me?"
"Do I absolutely have to? Could Yang do it?"
"No no, your brother Yangyang is very busy recently, I need you to do it. You're perfectly capable of walking to the post office."

Meihua sighed and nodded reluctantly, then taking the brown envelope in her father's hands. She threw her coat over her shoulders, the ever colder autumn weather forcing her to wear more layers.

Her fingers felt frozen in the low temperatures but she couldn't put her hands in her pockets due to the presence of the letter between her fingers.

It would have been so much more helpful, had there been a post box somewhere on the roadside. But whoever made the town seemed to want to make a point of not putting any of those in the same vicinity as a post office.

So she would just have to walk.

Meihua reached the post office not after too long. For all her complaining, it wasn't that cold out and the walk wasn't that long. Besides, the contrast between outside and inside the post office was enough to immediately thaw her frost bitten limbs.

There wasn't much a queue so she decked behind the boxes, in search of the counter. The layout of the post office seemed to change everytime she entered: she couldn't quite tell if that was the worker's fault or just her inability to remember anything.

"Excuse me- what the hell are you doing here?"
A familiar voice called out in almost anger.
"Posting something like any civilian, I could ask you the same, Huang Renjun."

"I- I work here, lol."
"The lol- I was kinda expecting you to have a- i don't know, more respectable job I guess. You make yourself seem like some mafia's son or something."
"Interesting evaluation..."

Renjun mumbled and began to turn away,
"Wait- Dude, are you just not gonna help me post this?"
"Give it here."
He held out his hand with a sigh, taking the letter and stashing it away in a bag.

"Dude, can we just go on break early or something?" A voice from the distance called out as a figure walked out and stood behind Renjun.
'Oh hey-" He turned to Meihua for a second before looking back down to the Chinese male.
"Who is thiss?~" Another male jogged over and glanced Meihua up and down, making her shift uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't worry, I got it. Renjun, I knew you would cheat on me one day but I didn't know it would be so soon. At least she's pretty-"
"Hyuck, what the fuck? I'm not even dating you-"
"Yo? Are y'all dating?"
"Who, all three of us?-"

"Excuse me, but what the hell is going on here? I came to post a letter, not to get married, holy shit..."
Meihua spoke suddenly and ceased the boys's frantic chatter for a second. But one of them 'hyuck' broke the silence by laughing loudly.

"Okay, hi, I'm donghyuck~ you don't have to get married yet, renjun will wait for all of eternity for you."
"mister sir- that's not what we finna do-"
"I'm mark, please feel free to ignore them."

"Can I go now?"
The poor girl asked nervously, confused at the random flow of conversation.
"I guess-"
"No, you can stay if you want. It's cold outside anyway."
"Hyuck, why are you hitting on her?-"
"I'm not, I just stated that it's cold outside. Do you have a problem with that?-"
"No but F-"
"If you don't shut your ass up right now."

Meihua's eyes flicked between the two boys who just refused to stop arguing.
"Yo, -" the boy who was addressing the girl paused for a second, the silence prompting for her name to follow.
"Yo, Meihua, if you're staying you can sit on the boxes over there."

She just nodded without trying to argue. As she sat on a sturdy looking box, a notification pinged on her phone.

You have been added to:
Changying's Circus Animals~🦒🦘

Curiously, she clicked onto the notification - only to find a very scary group chat full of threatening messages that she should have never had to see.


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the chapter was supposed to have a little more fun in it- but it already started off like it was gon be boring so ig so ig

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