31) The weekend of dates

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"A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet

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"A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet."
– Dianna Hardy

"Soooo.. I've made the decision to give Astoria a chance," Draco said out of nowhere and Eleanor and Pansy looked up from their potion homework.

"Finally! Good on you, Dray!" Eleanor beamed.

"We are meeting up this Hogsmeade weekend, I messaged her 2 days ago," Draco told the girls.

"I'm happy for you. You deserve your piece of happiness and love," Pansy said with a sincere look in her eyes.

And that's when Eleanor thought back to a few days ago. How Pansy had told her something but El had not asked her any further about it. Too busy with her own thoughts.

"What about you, Pans? I remember you telling me about this.. girl.. Was it a girl? I think I remember you calling the person a 'she'."

The look on Pansy's face turned into a shy one and Eleanor wanted to high-five the person that managed to do that to her always brave and cheeky best friend.

"Ooooh, I like that look on your face! It's a good one! Not one we see often, do we Dray?" Pansy's face only started reddening the second after Eleanor said that and Draco agreed as well with a newfound love of the look on Pansy's face. Not something they saw often indeed.

Eleanor gently laid down her quill before tucking her hands underneath her chin. Fully giving her attention to the upcoming love life's of her friend.

"I guess you can say I have a crush.. A big one. For a little while now. She's beautiful and quirky, maybe a tad weird but I like that," Pansy spoke with a dreamy voice and her mind seemed to wander elsewhere.

"We need a name to this apparently wonderful girl who turned our girl all mushy," Draco excitedly said.

"Her name is Luna Lovegood. You may know her as Loony Lovegood? Loony she is.. But in the best way possible."

"Isn't she in Ravenclaw? The girl who's always wearing those.. interesting necklaces? She's beautiful, Pans!" Eleanor placed her hand on Pansy's and tightened it in a loving manner.

"Wait, I think I'm missing something.. Who is she?" Draco spoke up.

Draco still wasn't a fan, scared even, of mingling outside of the Slytherin house even though he had now made lots of new friends from Gryffindor. Something he could never predict happen.

"She's small, a year younger than us. Beautiful white long hair, the same color as yours Dray. Mostly clad in dresses whenever she's not wearing the uniform. Her voice is dreamy and silky and just lovely. She never judges anyone and she's kind, always and to everyone. Even to people who don't deserve it."

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