40) Popping the question

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One month to go

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One month to go.

Eleanor was seriously dreading it, she was scared as hell and she tried to suppress the sadness that was trying to push out but she found it hard. Every time she looked one of her boys in the eyes she felt happy and loved.. That only stayed for a moment because not only a second later she remembered the horrible time that was yet to come. A time without their arms around her ever again, an empty bed, no one to share her love with and a broken heart.

Noah tried to help El as much as possible but he also found it difficult to comfort his younger sibling.

Draco was, however, of no help. He had disappeared off the radar since staying at Fred and George's apartment. He went back to Malfoy Manor and ignored Noah and Eleanor's letters. They both were scared for the worst.

Today it was Sunday and Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was closed for the day — every Sunday it was. Fred and George had planned a date for the three. They had told Eleanor to dress nice but comfortable. Nothing else was said, no clue, nu word.

Eleanor stood in front of her wardrobe. A summer dress in her left hand, a loose tank top in her right.

The dress was tight fitting, light blue with white vertical stripes. The tanktop red with white polkadots.

She hung the tanktop back on the hanger and started undressing herself.

"Hey El. What time are you— Woaaaah," Noah barged into the room without knocking. Honestly, he hadn't learned? Noah's hands were up in a mock defensive manner.

The girl scrambled and put the dress in front of her almost naked body. Eleanor shot Noah a glare.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

"I guess not. Stupid. Sorry.

El laughed. "It's fine. Just turn around for a second."

Her brother did as he was told and Eleanor quickly pulled on her dress, her arms finding her back and zipping the dress up. She twirled around and looked in the mirror. Flattening and pulling down the material so it sat perfectly.

"I'm decent. What is it?"

Noah turned around to face her again. "You look beautiful, El.. I was just wondering if you would be home for dinner. The boys are doing some last minute stuff at the shop downstairs and I don't want to disturb them."

"I don't know. I think not. The date's a surprise and they didn't tell me anything. We might even stay out overnight, if you know what I mean," She winked and Noah snorted.

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