Zack's Mess Up

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~Chapter Eleven~

The more I think of Zack, the more I like him and the more I want to be with him. After what I said though... I doubt he's going to want to be with me.

I look at my phone to check the time.

2:13 AM

I sigh and roll over onto my side.

I have work... I need to stop thinking of Zack.

Another hour had passed by and I finally fell asleep. Bad thing was, I was dreaming about Zack... And when I woke up to my alarm at 6:30, I found tears had soaked my pillow and my eyes were hurting.

I got up and went to the bathroom and my face was red. I looked terrible. I must have been crying in my sleep. I don't really remember much from the dream, all I know is that Zack had turned into someone that wasn't him and so I cried about it in my dream and I guess I cried in real life as well.

I took a quick shower, and then put some makeup on to make myself look better. Then I decided to straighten my hair. After that, I walked to the kitchen.

Lexy had made some grilled cheeses for us. She always has something for me to eat everyday before I went to work. I need to start doing the same for her... Maybe I can start making dinner for us every night.

I grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge and poured it into my cup, then I grabbed my grilled cheese and sat down at the table with Lexy.

"Thank you for making me a grilled cheese, Lexy." I smile at her.

"It's really no problem." She smiles back.

I stop eating, put my sandwich down, and look at her. She sends me a questioning look.

"It is a problem... You've done so much for me since I moved here and I haven't done anything for you... I feel terrible. So from now on, I'm going to start making dinner for us." I tell her, happily.

"Oh no! You don't have to do that!" She reassures me. I shake my head.

"But I do. You've been a great friend to me since I moved here, it's time I start being one, too." I tell her. She smiles.

After eating breakfast with Lexy, I walk out the door, get in my truck, and drive to the coffee shop.

I wonder if I'll get to see Zack today... I haven't seen him for 2 weeks.

I pull into a parking lot, park my truck, then hop out and walk into the coffee shop.

"Hey, Sky!" Clyde said, happily.

Which was kind of suspicious because he's normally not this happy. "You seem... Happy." I said, curiously.

"I'm always happy." He tells me.

"Not... THIS happy. I mean, you normally wave at me. You don't normally say 'Hey, Sky!'" I tell him.

"Oh..." Clyde looks away, awkwardly.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you're
extra happy today?" I ask him. He grins at me.

"I finally got myself a girlfriend and she's amazing!" He said, excitedly. "Really? What's her name?" I ask him.

"Jayna." He replied.

"That's a nice name." I smile. He nods.

Why does that name sound so familiar?

After a couple of hours had passed by, I saw Zack walk in.

Zack walks up to the counter and looks at me, disgustedly.

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