Avoiding Zack

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~Chapter Ten~

After I had my date with Zack, I've kind of been avoiding him. I'm not going to lie, It makes me feel bad that I've been avoiding him but I can't like him. I'm supposed to be liking Adric.

"Here's your mocha." I hand the mocha to the lady.

"Skylar." I look over, seeing that Zack is walking up to me.

"I can't talk right now, Zack. I have to make drinks." I tell him, sternly.

He frowns. "What's up with you? You keep avoiding me." Zack said, with disappointment in his voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, my customers are waiting for their drinks." He sighs.

"Alright. Fine. I'll see you later." He walks off irritatedly.

Clyde and Jake look at me and cross their arms.

"What?" I ask them, but they shake their heads and start making drinks. I roll my eyes and sigh.

After I get off work, I head back to my apartment and throw myself on to my bed.

Lexy isn't home right now. She's out shopping with one of her friends, trying to help her find a good dress to wear for her date.

Someone knocks on the door, so I get up, walk to the door, open it and guess who it is.

Yeah, it's Zack.

"Zack? Why are you here?" I ask him.

He invites himself in. "Well, what I wanna know is why are you avoiding me?" He asks. I cross my arms.

"I'm not avoiding you. I've just been busy." I tell him.

He looks unconvinced.

"Oh really? With what?" He asks. "Work." I reply. "And after work? Or what about on weekends? You can't hang out with me or even talk to me then?" He asks me. I shrug.

"Skylar, we haven't talked at all for two weeks since our date... And-" I look away from him, making him stop in his tracks. "Is that what it is? The date? Did I say or do something wrong? Was it because I kissed you?" He asks me, seriously. "No..." I tell him.

He throws his hands up. "Then what is it?!"

Shoot. This isn't going so good. What am I supposed to do? Tell him why? No way. I can't. I won't.

"It's because I started to like you... But I don't want to... Because I like Adric... And I want to go out with him..." I said.

He looks at me with heartbroken eyes.

"Oh... I see. So when we cuddled and held hands that didn't mean anything to you? Pretty much that whole date I planned for us that I wanted to be perfect... Wasn't perfect enough, huh?" His eyes tear up.

"No. It was a perfect date. It's just... I'm thinking we should just be friends..." I say, softly. He looks away.

"Zack... I'm sorry." I try to grab his hand but he pulls it away.

I watch as he walks out to his car, Leaving me in my apartment... Feeling empty. Like an important chunk of my life had just been ripped out. I guess that was my fault though...

After he drove off, I walk to my room, crawl into bed, and cry.

Why am I crying? Because I care about Zack a lot more then I let on and I feel like after what I said to him... He's not coming back...

After an hour had passed by, I hear Lexy walk in.

"Skylar, I'm back!" Lexy yelled.

When I don't answer, she begins to get worried. So she comes into my room, seeing that my face is covered with a pillow and my lights are off.

"Skylar..." She walks up to me slowly then takes the pillow off my head.

"Skylar, what's wrong?" She asks me.

"Zack... Zack is what's wrong!" I shout.

"Why?" Lexy asks me.

"Because! He's so easy to like! But that's bad because I like Adric so I told him that I'd rather be with Adric and that it would be easier to just be friends with him... Then he got all sad and walked out... Now he probably doesn't wanna see me again... Better yet, he probably hates me." I explain to her, loudly.

"He doesn't hate you. And I highly doubt he'll be able to stay away from you. He cares about you a lot. He doesn't want to hurt you again." She reminds me.

I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.

"Look. It's getting kinda late... I need to go to bed because I'm getting up early tomorrow for work... So goodnight Lexy." She sighs, sadly.

"Goodnight, Skylar." She walks to her room and closes the door.

I have a feeling that Zack is going to be a completely different person when I see him again.


~Authors Note~

Hey, Everyone! I hope you liked the last chapter! This next chapter is going to be a bit short... But I hope you like it anyways. I promise I'll make the next chapter longer, too. Anyways! Enjoy! Bye guys! Don't forget to comment and vote!

~Shelby :3

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