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I'm sure you're all dying to know about Zack and I and how far our relationship has gone... Well, it's gone all the way to being engaged, planning the wedding, getting the wedding date and now, actually, being at our wedding.

I'm already standing here with my dad, waiting to be walked down the isle. I'm nervous to the point where I feel like I'll pass out but I'm keeping myself together for Zack's sake as I'm sure he's doing for me.

"Be strong... Be strong..." My dad, whispered.

"Dad, I'm fine." I assure him, chuckling.

"Oh! I know you are but I'm not! My little girl is getting married... How can I deal with something like that?"

"I don't know... But trying being the one marrying Zack. I'm the one who has to live him with for the rest of my life." I tell him, smiling.

I don't mind, though... We get along fairly well.

"Oh geez... You're right! Well then... Good luck to you, Mrs. Griffins." He smirks and I shake my head, laughing.

"Love you, dad."

"Love you, too, Sweetie."

After all my bridesmaids walked down the isle with the groomsmen, the music that I chose for me to walk down the isle to-which is 1000 years, by the way- has finally started, and I'm beginning to walk down the red carpet with my dad at my side. I was doing well and I wasn't about to burst out in tears but if I did, it's because my dad has just began crying next to me and it's sounds hilarious. I know... It's mean, but seriously? My dad... And yet my mom is over there just smiling away.

I just realized I'd been looking at everyone else except for my soon-to-be husband, so I let my eyes trail over to him and he was grinning widely at me, his brown eyes sparkling from the light. After I got to the last pew, my dad sat down next to my mom while Zack came over and walked me the rest of the way.

Now, I'm not gonna bore you with saying all the marriage vows, so let's skip to the part where we say 'I do' and 'you may kiss the bride'.

"I do." I said, then the pastor asked Zack the same question.

"I do." Zack croaked.

Awe... I've never seen him so choked up before... He's always trying to act so manly but I think I like this side better...

"You may kiss the bride." 

Zack and I didn't waste any time. His lips smashed to mine and sparks were flying, lighting the fireworks that have waited long enough to erupt. Everyone and everything just faded out and I could no longer hear them. It was just Zack and I, taking in the moment.

After finally pulling away, we both grin at each other and turn to our families, seeing them shouting, clapping, smiling, crying. So many emotions filled the room, but mostly... It was Zack and I's love for each other.

"You ready for our honeymoon in Hawaii, Mrs. Griffins?" Zack asks me, waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, you bet I am, Mr. Griffins." I said, waggling my eyebrows back.


~Authors Note~

Hello! Hello! This is the last hurrah for Zack and Skylar Griffins! I'm so sorry it took me so long to finally get it out but I've been busy with many other books and I also had a writers block... But don't worry! It's all good now! Obviously... Heh. So, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you're a fan of a Doctor Who, because I have a Doctor Who fanfiction out along with a recent Matt Smith Fanfiction, so check'em out! Anyways, thank you guys so much for the support! You're the reason I was able to finish this book! So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anyways... I'll figure out my next romance book that's from my own imagination, not a Fanfiction so make sure to follow me so you'll see if I've posted anything new and I'll make sure to follow back!

Instagram?: medievalfox

Pinterest?: medievalfox

I will also follow back on those! Anywho, so hard to let go... *sigh*

Goodbye, peeps! Peace!

~Shelby :3

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