One Question Never Asked

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~Chapter Three~

Zack's P.O.V.

"I'm telling ya man, she's amazing." I smiled as I showed Andy a picture of her.

"She sounds like it! So, when are you gonna ask her out?" Andy asked me, smirking, while raising his eyebrows. I laughed.

"I'm not sure. I'm thinking about asking her out today... I just don't want it to be too soon. I mean... It's only been two weeks." I tell him. He nods his head.

I'm starting to feel unsure about asking Skylar out. I just don't want her to freak out and say 'no' or something.

"Yeah, I feel ya, man." Andy said, still nodding his head.

I check the time and jump up off the bed and say, "Hey, I gotta get home, man. I'll see you later." I told him.

"See ya, Zack!" He yelled to me as I ran out his bedroom.

I ran to the front door, opened it and quickly went out to my car and hopped in. I started the ignition, and made my way home.


I walk in the door and head to my bedroom.

"Hey, there's dinner." My mom said as I walked by, hurriedly.

"I'll eat some in a little bit. Gotta talk to someone." I replied as I rushed to my room, turning my xbox and tv on.

When I get on, I immediately check my friends list and I sigh in relief, seeing Skylar's on.

"Good, she's online," I mumble as I invite her to a party. She joins just a few seconds after. "Hey, Skylar." I said, immediately. She chuckled.

"Hey, Zack." She replied, happily.

"Feel like playing minecraft?" I asked her, smiling from ear to ear.

"That would be great!" She said, excitedly.

We hop onto minecraft and start building our own little village.

"How are you today?" Skylar asked me, sweetly.

"I'm great, now that I'm talking to you." I replied

"Awe..." She said, flattered.

"Skylar..." I said, quietly.

"Yes?" She asked, curiously.

"You're so amazing..." I told her, blushing.

At least she can't tell that I'm blushing.

"Oh... Well, thank you." She said, shyly.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." I said, concern lacing my voice.

"No... You didn't... Because I think your amazing, too." Skylar said, just above a whisper. I'm surprised her headset could pick it up.

"I love how we are so much alike, too," I told her. "I've never met someone who I've had so much in common with."

"Well, I'm glad we are a lot alike because we get along easier that way." She chuckled.

Ok, this is it. I'm going to ask her out. I can do this.

"Skylar... I need to-"

"Yes, mom?" Skylar yelled, interrupting me.

Dang it. Should've asked her sooner. Just didn't want it to be all weird and ask as soon as she joined... That would just be plain awkward.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"My mom just told me that I have to get off." She sighed in annoyance.

"Alright... I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Actually... I forgot to tell you that I'm going to be leaving tomorrow to go to Washington to visit some cousins. I'll be gone for a week... " Skylar said, sadly.

"Oh... Well, I'll talk to you when you get back then?" I asked, frowning.

"Yeah..." Skylar muffled.

"Hey... Cheer up, Skylar. I'll still be here when you get back. I promise."

She lets out another sigh. "Goodnight, Zack."

"Goodnight, Gorgeous." I replied.

After I saw what she looked like, I decided to give her the nickname 'Gorgeous' because it's a cute nickname and it's true. She really is gorgeous.

Skylar left the party and my good mood has faded. I know she'll only be gone for a week... But I'm gonna miss her... A lot. I already miss her. I miss her cute laugh... Her soft voice... I just hope this week goes by quickly.


~Authors Note~

Hey guys! I really hope your enjoying this book! I've been working really hard on it and trying to make it as interesting as I can.

Anyways, so how'd you like this chapter? Was it good? I hope it was! I honestly think it was pretty good. But I'm the one who wrote it so... It only makes sense haha, but I wanna know what you guys think about it! So don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me. :D Thanks guys!

~Shelby :3

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