Tree Climbing

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~Chapter Seventeen~

Skylar's P.O.V

It was getting slightly dark and cold outside and I didn't  have a jacket, but I continued walking down the street anyways.

Maybe I should turn around. Zack is probably worried.

I sigh, "He's been nice to you... He's apologized to you... He cares about you... And you've given him nothing in return. Who's the jerk now, Skylar?" I scolded myself out loud.

I decide that I'm going to turn around but before I do, I hear a dog snarling at me from behind.

"Grrr! Bark! Bark!"

I turn around, seeing the vicious looking pitbull baring it's teeth at me and growling.

"Oh... Ok," I motioned my hands for the dog to stay put and I backed away slowly. "Let's just-"

I turn around and take off running down the street with the dog following behind me, barking.

I swear, this is the fastest I've ever run in my entire life.

I see a tree that looks easy enough to climb so I head to it.

But on my way to the tree, the dog keeps trying to bite my ankles so it makes it harder for me to run when I'm kicking my legs off to the side so the dog won't bite me.

Probably looks like Zack when I was shooting at his legs with my air-soft gun.

Once I get to the tree, I jump up as high as I can and grab the tree branch then I hoist myself up right at the same time the dog jumps up, almost catching my leg with it's mouth.

Well, gymnastic lessons are actually paying off now.

For some reason, at that moment, I thought of Jurassic Park when they were crawling through the vents and the girl fell through and there was a velociraptor under her, so when they pulled her up, it almost bit onto her leg.

"Ruff! Ruff!" The dog barked at me viciously and snarled.

Oh. My. Jelly beans. That's a long way down. I guess from the spur of the moment, I kinda forgot that I'm afraid of heights.

"Uh, um, shoo. Go away." I waved the dog off, not looking down at the ground.

"Bark! Bark bark!"

"Yeah, yeah! Shut up, mut."

About forty-five minutes had passed by of just sitting there, slightly dizzy from being so high up, I decide to look down and see if the dog is still there, and... Yep, he is. Except, thank goodness he wasn't barking. He was just laying down on the grass, sleeping soundlessly... I think.

"Dumb dog." I mumbled, angrily.

"Grrr..." He quietly growled as if he heard what I said.

I bet he's just acting like he's asleep so when I try to get down, he can rip me to shreds. Although... I'm not sure if I even wanna try getting down...

I kind of shift my weight on the branch, making it shake, and the dog immediately jumps up and looks up at me.

"I knew you were pretending." I crossed my arms but then I almost fell over so I held onto the branch and sighed.

"Someone help me..." I breathed out.

"Ruff! Ruff!"

"Not you! You just wanna eat me!" I glared at the mut.


Zack's P.O.V

"Ugh... It's almost been an hour. She still hasn't come back." I said, running my hand through my hair, nervously.

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