Its Only Been A Few Days

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~Chapter Two~

Skylar's P.O.V

"Hey!" I run up and hug Kathie. She hugs me back and smiles hugely.

"It's been forever!" Kathie yelled, loudly.

"I know!" I yell, not quite as loud.

"Ok. What should we do first? Nails? Hair? Or video games?" She asks me.

Kathie is also a gamer. She just doesn't game online.

"Hm... Video games, hair, then nails!" I shout.

"That's right. You gotta make sure you don't, chip the nails while playing games, or ruin the polish with hairy things." She said, smirking, then moves her eyebrows up and down. We both laugh. It's been so long since I've seen Kathie.

We run into her bedroom, turn on the tv and xbox, and immediately get on Black Ops 2.

An hour had passed by and we're now on level 33 on Black Ops, so things are getting pretty dang intense.

"Agh!!! Die zombie!!!" She yells, frustratedly while shooting rapidly at the zombie.

"Man down! Man down!" I yell.

"Oh no! We're gonna lose!" She yells, angrily. Then her character got hit too many times by a zombie, causing her to fall and end the game.

"Zombies..." I mumble irritatedly.

Kathie looks at me. "Hair?" She asks me and I nod to her.

We already have everything set up. We have the xbox, the tv, The hairbrush, the hair-ties, the bobby-pins, and the nail polish.

She starts brushing through my hair to get the tangles out. "So, guess what..." I said, suspiciously.

"What?" She asks.

"I met a guy on Xbox. He's really nice. I played minecraft with him for awhile yesterday." I tell her.

"What? Are you guys dating now?" Kathie snorts.

"Ha! No," I chuckle. "I just think that you should get Xbox Live. There's a lot of awesome people on there... And, I have Xbox Live. So, we'd be able to talk and play online Zombies together."

She finishes my hair and I turn around and look at her. I can tell she's thinking about it.

When Kathie thinks, she always has one eye squinted, puckers her lips and taps her chin with her pointer finger.

"Alright fine. I'll get xbox live." She said, smirking.

"Yay!" I clap excitedly.

After that, I do her hair and put it in a fishtail braid, then we do each other's nails, talk about food, and then go to bed.

Ok, we went to bed, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we went to sleep. We stayed up talking about our dream guys and laughed at silly pictures. We wanted to make sure that we got as many goofy and cute moments together as we could before I had to go home.


I got home by 11:00 AM and got on my Xbox. As soon as I got on, I got a party invite from Zack, so I joined.

"Hey, miss me?" I ask him, sarcastically.

"Yes." Zack replies. I can't tell if it was a joke or not.

"Are you serious...?" I ask him. He chuckles.

"Yes I was serious."

I began to get butterflies in my stomach for some reason. "Oh." Was all I could get out, then It was silent for a couple of minutes until I asked, "Wanna play minecraft again?"

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