Hospitals Suck

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~Chapter Thirteen~

Zack's P.O.V.

I walk into the coffee shop, seeing Clyde and Jake, but I don't see Skylar anywhere.

I walk up to the counter, still glancing around.

"Hey, where's Skylar? Is she off today?" I ask Jake.

He frowns and looks away from me sadly.

"Jake. What's wrong? Where's Skylar?" I ask him, sternly.

"She got into a car accident with that idiot, Adric. She's at the hospital." Jake replies. "Skylar... I tried to warn her about him. I shouldn't have let her go." I walk out of the coffee shop quickly, get in my car and drive to the hospital.

"Please. Please, be alright, Skylar." I mumble to myself as tears build up in my eyes.

Arriving at the hospital after 30 minutes, I park my car and run into the hospital.

I walk quickly up to the front desk, slightly panicking.

"Hello. Can I help you with something, sir?" The lady asks me.

She has tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and looks like she's in her early 30's.

"Yes. Please. I need to see Skylar Jones." I tell her, hesitantly.

"What's your relationship with her?" She asked me.

"I'm her..." I pause for a second. "Boyfriend." I reply. She nods to me.

"Take the elevator to floor three and head down the hall. She'll be on the left side. It should have her name next to the door." She told me. I give her a quick "Thank you." Then walk off.

I walk to the elevator and head to floor 3. When I get there, I walk quickly to her room.

I open the door slowly and step inside, I look over and see her laying there on the hospital bed, hooked up to a machine. Seeing her laying there in that condition made tears pour from my eyes.

I walked up to her bed and sat in the chair next to her.

"Skylar, I-" Tears were rolling down my cheeks, so I wiped them away and choked back my tears. "I tried to warn you that he was a bad person... I did... It's just you didn't want to listen to me. I don't blame you though. I've made so many mistakes in my life. The biggest one was hurting you... I wish I didn't listen to my dad, If I wouldn't have listened to him so much I probably wouldn't be this way... And this wouldn't be happening right now," I reach over and hold her hand. "Skylar. I hope you can hear me... Because I am so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for braking your heart, I'm sorry for being a complete jerk to you just because you only wanted to be friends, I'm sorry for annoying you and frustrating you, I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry that I couldn't have stopped this from happening. I wish I could have done something. I wish I could have saved you." I lean forward and kiss her hand then I hear someone walk in.

"I'm sorry... I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Doctor's orders." The nurse told me. I look over at her and nod then I look back at Skylar, lean forward and kiss her on the forehead.

"I'll see you soon, Skylar..." I said.

When I look back at the nurse, she has her hand over her heart and is looking at me sadly.

"But you can come back and visit her every day." She smiles at me. "Thank you." I slightly smile back.

I walk away, glancing back at Skylar one more time before I've completely left the room.

Once I walk out, I glance over and see the name 'Adric Wilson' next to a door.

I stop in my tracks and walk toward the door, peeking inside.

~Gamers Romance~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin