Can't take a Hint

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~Chapter Seven~

Skylar's P.O.V.

"Ring ring ring!"

My annoying alarm clock goes off, waking me up from my dead sleep.

Oh yeah... It's Monday. Hurray.

I open my eyes and look at the time.

6:30 AM

I sigh, get up out of bed, head to the bathroom and begin getting ready for work.

30 minutes or so have passed by and I'm finally done with my makeup. After that, I decided to just put my hair up into a simple pony-tail, which ended up being a little messy but I don't care.

I head back into my room, open my chest of drawers and grab my black skinny jeans and a red shirt.

After putting those on, I slip on my black and white converse, then I walk out my room and walk to the kitchen.

When I walk into the kitchen, I see Lexy making waffles and I also see a fresh pot of coffee.

I look at my phone and it's 7:05.

I still have plenty of time for coffee and some breakfast before I go.

"Good morning, Lexy!" I walk up to the fresh pot of coffee, grab a coffee cup and pour coffee into it.

"Good morning, Skylar!" Lexy replied, cheerfully.

I grab a couple waffles and put them on a plate, grab my coffee, then I sit down at the table.

After 5 minutes or so had passed by, Lexy comes and joins me at the table. She has a mischievous smirk on her face but I don't bother saying anything... I'm too tired to.

"What time are you supposed to be at work?" She asks me. I finish chewing my bite of my waffle and swallow it. "Eight. It takes fifteen minutes to get to the coffee shop. So I'm gonna have to leave here in," I look at my phone to check the time then I look back up at her. "Twenty minutes." She nods her head.

I finish eating, put my plate in the sink that I had my waffles on, grab my car keys and made my way out the door.

"Have a good day, Skylar!" She yelled to me. I waved at her.

I got in my truck, started the ignition, backed out of the driveway, and started driving to the coffee shop.

Oh, I bet your wondering when I got a truck? Well... It was a couple of days before Lexy and I went to the party.

I realized that my first day of work was on Monday and I didn't have a car. So, while I was having a freak out, I went and asked Lexy to drive me to a place that sells good cars. So, she did... And that's where I found my amazing dark blue colored truck. It's in good shape, it has comfy seats, and good gas mileage.

After arriving at the coffee shop, I hopped out of my car and walked into the coffee shop.

Wow! This place is pretty busy.

"Hello, are you Skylar?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around to face them.

"Um... Yes. And you are?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm Lucy. I'm the manager." My eyes widen.

"Oh! It's so nice to meet you!" I shake her hand.

"Ok, so, for today. We are just going to start you off with cleaning the tables, sweeping, and taking out the trash. Tomorrow I'll have Jake teach you how to work all the different coffee makers." She smiles at me. I nod to her. "Have fun." She gives me a broom and a dust pan and walks off.

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